Chapter 13: Stars Above

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Sooo chapter 13? Is out? Now? ...haha

I'm not going to go in depth why it took me 10 months to write this, but shit happened and i was unable to write until this summer. I've actually have been working on a number of things, one is a oneshot and the other is a new multific that i dont want to release until its finished so i can further prevent something like this from happening. both of these are Haikyuu fanfics (one is sakuatsu and the other is Akakuroo) and if youre interested in them, im glad! The multific is at chapter 3 of 10ish and the chapters are 20+ pages long and the sakustsu oneshot is currently at 8.5k (i am using this note as a self promo- sue me) 

whenever i get the chance, ill post things on my conversations page to keep you guys updated on everything :)

so now thats out of the way, enjoy and lemme know what you huys think at the end of the chapter :DD


The darkness shrouds her every move as Marinette slowly makes her way back to the Manor, getting lost several times. After the fifth time of running into an alley that leads to a brick wall, she finally decides to brave the rooftops again. Because surely the guys she ran into earlier have to be gone by now.


She scans the alleyway she's currently in, and spots a fire escape that she can use to get herself up onto the top of the building. Marinette gingerly leaps onto a closed dumpster underneath the ladder and wraps her hands around the rusty metal of the bottom rung. She pulls herself up foot by foot, grateful for the extra strength she gets with the miraculous, and then scampers up the rest of the way when she's able to hook her feet up. At the top, she grips onto the ledge of the building and pulls herself up.

Crouching lowly at the edge of the rooftop, her gaze darts around her, looking for the pair of heroes she ran into earlier into the night. Nothing. She stands, trusting that no one is around, fully relaxing for the first time in what seems like hours.

Marinette breathes in deeply and holds it for a couple of seconds before releasing it into the cool air. She does this a couple of times to release the adrenaline coursing through her veins and then she unhooks one of her staff from her thighs, accessing the phone-like device hidden inside. It takes her a moment to type in the Wayne's address, and when she does, a groan immediately escapes from her mouth.

"Seriously? Over an hour run? Are you fucking kidding me?!" She sighs aggressively, turning in the direction the GPS is indicating for her to go and takes off, quickly leaping from rooftop to rooftop.


About halfway to the manor, Marinette pauses, one hand latches onto the side of a building and looks around her, observing the city.

For such a dark city, it has its beauty.

When she began heroing for Paris, everything was fine. Crime went down. Everything, well except for the occasional Hawkmoth attacks, pretty much went to normal. Until it all suddenly went to shit.

Crime went up, people started to become scared again, he betrayed her.

Marinette shakes her head to clear her thoughts and breaths in the cool air. She opens her eyes and focuses on the sky, noticing how the clouds are constantly there and how she can see flashes of the night sky behind them.

She opens her baton and looks at the route to the mansion again before heading off, scampering across the rooftops once again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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