Chapter 2: An Egg-cellent Surprise

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the support on the last chapter and such. I really hope y'all enjoy Jason being a little shit because, really, we all need it.

Also- if you haven't read it yet, I suggest reading my parabatai's fic "The Badass Ladybird of Gotham". Her user is thesmollestbear so go ahead a give her daminette fics a read!

Now onto Chapter 2....

“Are you sure I’m doing the right thing?” Marinette calls out to her Kwamis after securly shutting the door. “With what happened to Adrien…” she looks up at the two floating orbs, fiddling with the ring on her necklace. “I don’t want that to happen to anyone else.” She looks down at the phone on her desk.

Just text me when you're home, safe. Please.

“It’s okay, Kitten. Adrien wasn’t the… best fit for the black cat miraculous.” Plagg floats idly in front of her, before landing on her head. “What happened to Adrien wasn’t your fault. All his bad luck caught up to him, for he wasn’t as balanced as you are. In order for Ladybug and Black Cat to be compatible, they have to be balanced within themselves.” The cat plays with a strand of Mari’s hair. “You have to be able to wield both.”

Marinette sits on her chaise, processing the words spoken with scrunched brows. “So what your saying is is that Adrien was only compatible with the ring and not the earrings?” Tikki nods, and Marinette runs a hand over her face. “And you're also saying that I’m able to wield both of them?” More nods. Suddenly, she stands up, startling the kwami in her hair. “I’ll figure this out later. But I have to finish packing now.”

Marinette picks up her phone from the desk, unlocks it, and checks her alarm to confirm she set one for 6:30 the following morning, and then another for 7:30. She swipes out of the screen, but doesn’t turn it off. Her thumb hovers over the Messages app for a minute before she deftly turns her phone off, and tosses it onto her chaise.

There’s no time for a mental breakdown right now. I have to finish packing.


“Sugarcube, do you know the real reason Kitten is going to Gotham? Why so far away?” Plagg whispers to Tikki.

Tikki’s silent for a moment, watching her chosen rush around her room to finish some last minute packing, before answering. “I think… I think she blames herself for what happened to Adrien. I think she wants to get away from all the memories of him and them together, and only come back for the occasional Akuma.” She pauses and turns to Plagg, hope sparking in her eyes. “Why Gotham? Why travel across the world and to a completely different continent? Plagg. Do you think that… it could happen again? So soon?”

Plagg blinks at what the other kwami is referring to. “No. It’s too soon. There’s one every millennia It’s only been- what? Six or seven centuries since the last one? But…” he gazes sadly at the Guardian. “Lets hope. She needs it now more than ever.”

Meanwhile in Gotham...

“Who the fuck decided that microwaving an egg was a good idea?” Stephanie yells from the kitchen.

Damian replies from the table, not looking up from his book. “It was probably Todd, thinking that it’ll come out scrambled.”

“Hey!” Jason protests. “It could’ve been Replacement! He probably did it in the middle of the night while practically sleeping walking.”

“Wrong.” Tim yawns, looking up from his computer. “I was in the office all last night working on paperwork.”

“Then Dick! He could’ve don-”

“Incorrect, you douchebag.” Dick interrupts him as he walks into the room. “I have no idea what you're blaming me for, but for whatever it is this time, I was with Kor’i and Mar’i. All night.” Jason blunders for a second, trying to put the blame on someone else, and failing. Steph walks into the room and leans against the wall.

“So how did you get the bright idea to microwave an egg?” Jason huffs something and looks down at the table. “What was that?”

Jason looks up with narrowed eyes and says through clenched teeth, “Demon a Spawn was right.

“Wait,” Barbra speaks up from her spot on the couch. “You nuked an egg in the microwave, you see it explode, and then you walk away like nothing happened instead of cleaning it up like a decent person? But why didn’t you use the stove? I’m pretty sure you’re the last one except Damian that still has kitchen rights.” Jason grimaces.

“No. Alfred took the stove right away from me, so all I can use is the microwave and the toaster.” Dick snorts and Jason snaps at him. “You’re one to laugh. You're not even allowed in the kitchen in general.”

Steph smirks. “Well, Jason, if you want to keep your microwave rights, you better go clean the microwave before Alfred finds out.” The blood rushes from his face, and Jason sprints out of the room.

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