Chapter 05

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• Hold on tightly •


Finally, the deadly night shifts had come to an end. Putting my love for the darkness aside, night shifts are too predictable. A couple of patients, and that is it. The quiet, empty corridors are peaceful, but they can be exhausting at times. When a place that gleams with people momentarily transfers into sparks of loneliness, it triggers a dark void inside you. You end up mourning the absence of an unknown something.

Maham and I were separated according to our timetables. We only met in the morning while switching shifts.

As I almost raced to the hospital instead of walking, I ran into an elderly woman on the sidewalk. She was clad in dusty clothing, her head covered with a maroon chadar and her eyes full of a wearying hope. The signs of a demanding past consumed her face.

I took out whatever loose change I had in my wallet and covertly placed it in her palm. She held onto my hand and started making duaa for me.

I could only smile at her as my heart filled with gratitude while holding her weak hand. She was returning my trivial act of kindness with something much more powerful and beautiful - duaa. I think I must be indebted to her for that.

"JazakAllah, aunty." I thanked her and got back on my way.

She had spoken to Allah, the Lord of the worlds about me, that I should be blessed in abundance with every great thing. But one sentence of hers had stuck with me for the whole day.

"May Allah bless you with someone that makes you happy."

I have met several people who have proved that the people in your life can either be a blessing or a curse. However, I never knew that, just as some people cause us pain, others can also bring happiness into our lives. Even this matter has been balanced for us by Allah.

This doesn't imply that others are responsible for your happiness. The love that they carry for you within them makes you happy. The love that you carry for them within yourself makes you happy. Their presence calms your spirit. The mere thought of their existence puts your heart at ease.

How many of us have someone who calms our stormy hearts?

I suppose I do. I have Amma.

And Baba. That should be enough.


The day flew by as I inspected the patients and went through their files. A long day, indeed.

The evening call to prayer, Maghrib, could be heard over the speakers. Just an hour left until my duty would be over. Sometimes, I despise how days just flash across my eyes. Time and its old habit of slipping away.

I had taken a break to step outside and watch the sun shy away from the splendour sky. I believe if love were a colour, it would definitely be the shades of a sunset.

I was about to head inside when I saw a familiar figure approaching the entrance. Those black eyes were gazing back at me again.

I couldn't decide if I wanted him to meet me or ignore me entirely. Didn't we say our goodbyes on a positive note, though?

"I hope I'm not a certified creep for turning up at the hospital during your working hours." He smirked.

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