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I hope it echoes long and loud.


⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Inhal ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

"Amma, honestly, I'm eating more than enough, and the house is as tidy as you left it, promise. Don't worry," I assured her over the phone, my voice aiming to close the distance between us with a touch of humor and lightness.

These calls to Amma have turned into my daily ritual, a comforting connection in her absence. It's funny how each time I'm trying to check on her, she ends up making sure I'm alright instead. It's been a little over a week since she went to visit khala, and somehow, the house feels more empty than ever, especially now that she has decided to stay a bit longer in Multan. Yeah, she extended her stay, because why not?

"Inhal, you're not staying out late, right? I've got Adnan Bhai on lookout duty, just so you know," she half-scolds, half-worries over the phone. Trust Amma to have the whole neighborhood on watch. And yeah, the daily food parcels from her neighborhood friend make me feel a bit guilty, but who can complain about home-cooked meals landing at your doorstep.

"I'm looking after myself, really. Everything's fine here. But what about you? Have you been taking your meds?" I redirected our talk, aiming to wrap her in the same blanket of care she so often wrapped me in.

Her response came with a light laugh, "Don't even get me started. Your khala has been mothering me to bits, treating me like I'm the younger one. Sometimes, I wonder if she forgets who the elder sister is." I could almost see her shaking her head, amused and maybe a bit annoyed, but all in affection.

Hearing Amma laugh, there's a spark of happiness that lights up inside me. It's easy to forget how much she must miss the closeness of family. She is surrounded by friends but far from the ones she grew up with. I bet she longs for those old days more than she admits. More than often.

"Make sure you catch up on all those dramas with khala, but remember, my Sohan Halwa is a must," I remind her with a lightness in my tone.

"We won't forget. We've picked out plenty of things for you. You're going to love everything," she assures me, her voice laced with a shared excitement that feels like a warm embrace.

"Love you. Allah Hafiz!" After we hang up, I feel this sense of warmth, like she's right here with me. Then the doorbell rings, pulling me back to here and now.

"Oh, they're here." The buzz of the doorbell worked as a gentle reminder of the moment I have been preparing for. The thought of Uncle Ram staying at the temple while recovering was something I couldn't stand. It took a bit of persuading, an exchange of stubborn wills, but as always, he eventually agreed.

I give the pillow on the bed one last pat, trying to make the place look as welcoming as possible, then rush to open the door.

And there they are: Uncle Ram and Aariz, each bringing a sense of relief just by being here.

"Asalam O Alaykum!" It just bursts out of me, all the worry and waiting turning into pure, unfiltered excitement.

"Walaikum Asalam!" They respond together, and it feels like the first deep breath after holding it too long. I pull Uncle Ram into a hug, feeling that familiar, reassuring pat on the back of my head. It's a small gesture, but it's everything, telling me he's really here, he's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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