xxxii. instagram, messages

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instagram stories!

adira   1m

adira   1m

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hey dada. i talked to amala. i really
don't think there's anything i can

Hey, Dove. That's good. I'm glad
you reached out to her. But I'm
guessing it didn't go well..

she believes zayn is this perfect
guy and that he's changed and
that i'm the crazy one for wanting
nothing to do with him

then i brought up Juno and she
said he regrets it. she said he
always wanted us to have a family

and i did like that. it did
sound good

Adira, I hope that last sentence
doesn't mean what I think it means.

no no

i don't think so

Dove, I'm going to be honest... It
sounds like Zayn is manipulating
her. It wouldn't surprise me if he's
hurting her to keep her where he
wants her. I don't want you to go
through that again. I saw how
miserable he made you.

ur right dada. but we talked about
having a family. i'm scared he was
my last chance. he used to say it
was him or no one else

He's a son of a bitch. You're only
23, Dove. You have so much time.
You're going to find someone you
love and start your family. I

Look... you started this thing you
have with Justin, and Zayn hasn't
done anything to stop you guys
from being with each other. He
can't stop you when you when the
time is right and you start your

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