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Fans celebrate follow the white rabbit by Adira debuting atop the Billboard Hot 100 chart


real life!

Adira gazes at the golden frame. Swathes of green and gold surround her as she stands with a glittering smile on her face in her strapless white gown. She is a vision. Lace travels along the bodice, hugging her hips. Her veil falls in a rush behind her. Her crown glares in the sun. A bright bouquet rests in her hands, partly shadowing Justin's arms wrapped around her waist. Leaning over Adira's shoulder, he grins in his black tuxedo, eyes bright.

A voice breaks into the calm. "Thought I'd find you here."

She jumps, then turns, a small smile playing on her lips. "Dada," she says, opening her arms for a hug.

Taking her in his arms, he presses kiss to her hair. "I missed you, Dove."

"Missed you so much," she says, sinking into the hug and nudging against his chest.

He leans away, admiring her for a second. Her eyes are glazed slightly with unshed tears. Her face is pale and flushed, like she was holding in tears that would break the great dams. "I came here to congratulate you on 'follow the white rabbit,' but you look too sad to be a girl who just got married and got a number one record."

"I'm not sad," she denies, shaking her head. "I just wish mommy and Aden could be here."

Robbie sighs. "They would be so proud of you, Dove."

"You can't know that, Dada."

He shakes his head. "Do you know why I call you Dove?"

"You've only told me a thousand times."

He smiles. "I only told you I saw a dove that day, but there's more to it than that." She raises her brows but says nothing. "When I was a little boy, my mom always used to say she'd come to me as a dove if I ever needed her. 'I'll' be your Dove' were her lasts word to me. And I remember I saw you singing in the café that day. Your voice was so beautiful. I was just going to leave that day—say nothing to you—and I was halfway down the street when I saw a dove just sitting there, staring at me. I knew what it meant. Mom was telling me you were the one I was looking for." He looks at the framed picture, then pulls her in tighter. "And I saw a dove right before your wedding, too, you know?"

"Yeah?" she questions, raising her head to look at him. "What does that mean?"

"It means enjoy your moment, Dove. They're saying you'll be okay."

STAR, justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now