Chapter 6: Goodnight, Miss

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(A/n): Heyo! Here are some more keys!

(M/n): Mother's name

(M/L/n): Mother's last name

(M/M): Mother's maiden name

I also wanna thank you all for your support! I really enjoy writing these stories, and this twist of genre is something I dreaded tackling for a while after writing my Wilbur X Reader since I have to think... 'realistically' (if that makes sense!)

Anyway, enjoy! And thanks again!!!😁😋😊

(Your POV)

I turned to Tintin.

"After you!" I gestured teasingly.

Snowy stepped on the stairs reluctantly before hopping down. Tintin pulled a flashlight- or torch as he called it- and trudged inward with me following close behind.

The stairs, fortunately, didn't make any creaks, even though the wood seemed quite old. It was a short way down to a basement-like floor and brick walls. There was one small window so that the streetlights were seen, but the light illuminating from it was not nearly bright enough to help us see anything. However, the moon and setting outside it was lovely, so that was the one positive side.

Once Tintin hit the ground, he waved his flashlight around to look at all the scrolls of paper. I lingered on the flight, noticing the cobwebs and dust eroding from the walls.

"Well, this is nice," I said sarcastically. "Is there a light switch?"

Tintin moved the light to look at the walls and wire cables, but, oddly, neither of us spotted a light source anywhere. However, Tintin did find a small lantern after bumping into it. The canteen hung on a small hook from the roof and seemed to be in good shape.

Tintin handed me his flashlight and took the lamp. We then explored the room to see if we could find something.

'Well, this is an adventure...' I thought.

It shouldn't have taken long to find helpful information since the room was tiny. But, as luck would have it, I found another door behind one of the shelves and maneuvered my way to it. After a few good tugs, the door opened, and I met with the same dark emptiness again.

I flashed the torch and realized something. After spotting a button on the wall, I pressed it, and a loud hum sounded throughout the area. A vast number of lights were turned on in an instant, revealing the overwhelming size of the room, which was filled entirely with papers, records, scrolls, and folders containing who knows what. The place was massive.

I dropped my jaw in shock.
'You gotta be kidding me!'

"Uh... Tintin... I think you'll wanna see this..."

Snowy barked and ran up beside me to see. Tintin followed my voice and stopped at the doorway when he saw what I had discovered.

"Good heavens!" he exclaimed, taking a moment to examine the room with me in awe.

I turned off the flashlight and whistled, knowing we'd be at the library forever trying to find more about the Cornelius Legend. It was no wonder the librarian mentioned the place would be overwhelming- in fact, that was probably an understatement. The archive room looked as big as the library itself.

Covering my face with anxiety, I looked down the next flight of stairs that spiraled down to the never-ending collection of records.

"Do you think this is worth the time and effort?" I asked.

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