Chapter 1: Brussels

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(A/n): Hi all! I'm super excited to write this new story on Tintin! I hope you all enjoy it! So here ya go! 😁😁😎

Here's your keys:

(Y/n): Your name

(M/n): Middle name

(L/n): Last name

(f/c): favorite color

(f/f): favorite food

(H/c): Home country

~~~ across the page usually means the end of an essential or significant scene.

I think that's it so far! And feel free to comment questions, constructive criticism, or just whatever is on your mind- please do! I love reading them! Have fun!

(Third Person's POV)

It hadn't been long since Captain Haddock- a retired sea captain- and Tintin, the journalist, had found the treasure from the ship (known as The Unicorn) of Captain Haddock's great-great-grandfather, Sir Francis Haddock. The gold doubloons and jewels had been hiding inside a globe located in the basement of Marlinspike Hall, which is a family estate of the Haddock family.

Along with the gold rested a rolled-up map that led to the whereabouts of the rest of the treasure. It was somewhat an arduous journey, but Tintin and Captain Haddock were thrilled once they recovered such a find.

"Ahh, lad!" Captain Haddock's voice was sort of pitchy due to his excitement. But it quickly reverted to normal. "We've really found us a bounty! And a real feast for the eyes if I do say so myself!" exclaimed Captain Haddock with a proud spirit. His eyes were bright and glowing from the joy he felt.

"The treasure, Captain?" Tintin asked, smiling.

"No, my boy-- your new story! 'Young Journalist Finds Under Water Treasure!'" Haddock laughed, his Scottish accent strongly noticeable when he spoke. Tintin's beloved dog, Snowy, started barking joyfully.

"What are you going to do with all your treasure?"

"Mine?" Haddock laughed again. "That'd be our treasure, Tintin! And we will use it for whatever our hearts may desire. For myself, I think I'll be taking back the Marlinspike Hall and getting me a new ship with a trustworthy crew, you being first mate, of course!"

"I'd be honored, Haddock!"

Soon, Tintin and his best friends, Haddock and Snowy, arrived back to their hometown of Brussels, Belgium feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Haddock immediately went off to inquiry about owning the Marlinspike Hall, and Tintin decided to get started on his new story.

It didn't take long to write since Tintin was so eager to put every event in detail on paper, from diving deep under the Caribbean to their surprise when their ally, Professor Cuthbert Calculus, had snuck aboard their ship with intentions of helping using his shark-shaped submarine. And after only two days, Tintin had created an eye-catching story to turn into the newspaper industry.

He was thrilled, proud, and somewhat satisfied with his past quest with Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus- as always after each expedition- but the thought of any new pilgrimage always made his life more fulfilling.


In another part of the world was a young individual snoring on her bed loudly. She was contorted in an awkward position, and surprisingly, this was unusual for her since it was only at her highest point of exhaustion that she slept like a slob.

Her name was (Y/n). She was just a kid, really, but she could hold down her own fort when necessary and had a good heart. She had to, anyway, since she lived by herself in a run down apartment on the more urban side of the city. The girl couldn't remember anything about her family and had lived on her own as long as she could remember. Many times when trying to think about them, the cloudy memories would give her a headache, so she had to stop.

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