#25 slap O_o

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I'm so fucking sorry for not updating for decades

Maybe a month

Lmao I'm sorry

Just took  a break from writing

Ignore the photo btw⤴

Anyways 🤚🙄

It's evening and Alex is cooking for dinner, he had just woke up from a quick nap and he slowly remembered last night. he's sitting in the table deep in thoughts as he has his elbow on the table and his cheek resting on his palm

I should apologize to y/n

Your Pov

You're sitting on the couch watching yt vids on tv when you heard the click of the stove Alex is cooking, you were about to stand up when you saw him walking towards you sitting beside you on the couch

"The rice is still cooking..." He said softly almost a whisper

You just nodded going back to watching, you notice Alex tapping his foot, playing with his fingers and sometimes taking a glance at you like something is bothering him or he wants to tell ypu something so you decided to ask him

You picked up the remote pausing the video

"What's wrong?" you asked Alex

He immediately looked at you, he thought about something for a second bitting his lip before saying "Nothing..."

"If something is bothering you, you can always tell me" you said placing a hand on his shoulder

He sighed "Y/n..." he started "About last night-... I- I was drunk, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, if you can't forgive me, if you felt attacked-" He took a deep breath as he squinted his eyes shut "F-feel free to slap me... As hard as you can, I deserve it"

Half of you want to but the other half doesn't wsnt to. That was wrong of him to do that but you also kinda... Liked it

Oh god...

You bit your lip as you prepared your hand to slap it across his face

But you can't


You still slapped him


He now has his hand on his cheeck "I deserved that..."

But you felt bad for him so you pulled him in for a hug, he was a bit shocked and took him seconds to hug back

"I forgive you..." you whispered

*Time Skip*

Talk about speed

It's been 2 days and the mark on your neck is now fading, you and Alex is also fixed. Now you're just streaming with him on your channel

You're doing a baking stream with him without a recipe, of course you're expecting the cake to be a nasty ass shit. He got dressed with his divorced dad outfit and gave you the apron, you put it on and tied your hair up in a messy bun.

"How do I look?" you asked

Alex laughed walking closer to you placing a hand on your cheeks and wiped something off


You smiled hitting the go live button and immediately the chat began filling up with greetings. After minutes, you eventually took the waiting screen off and greet the viewers

"Hi chat!" Alex greeted

"Helloo" you greeted with a little wave like Nikki "Todayy chat. We're going to be baking a cake without a recipe, now probably some of you are asking 'how can you do it then?' i don't fucking know" you laughed "And of course, I'm with Quackity, Alex, Big Q or whatever you wanna call him. I'm expecting this cake is gonna be absolutely gross, specially when I'm with this guy" you pointed at Alex

"What's wrong with me?"

You laughed "Bb, remember you pizza cooking stream? Yeah"

15 minutes in, you two decided to start the baking, he got all the materials as you fixed all the ingredients in order which is coming from your head.

"Okay... Uhh, we obviously need a flour, eggs, baking soda, butter, vanilla extract, and salt" You said writing all those down

"Don't forget the milk" Alex reminded you

"Oh... Yeah Milk of course"

You wrote all of those down and it's now time to bake. Alex preheated the oven, he looks like he's really into this like he's taking it seriously. Unlike his last cooking stream where he fucked all up. you looked at the chat and they're all spamming 'icing'

"Oh yeah chat uhm- just because we don't know how to make an icing, uhh we bought it instead" You said picking up an icing bag placing it aside

Alex handed you the mixing bowl so you can mix, as he's opening the flour, he got a little aggressive so the flour went everywhere on his hands, he began laughing and cupped your cheeks with his flour covered hands

"Alex..." you complained

He laughed more that made you want revenge, you dipped your hands on the flour and cupped his cheeks aswell, you began laughing hysterically at your faces as the chat goes wild loving your friendship but others are shipping

"Okay, we actually have to do it now" you said wiping your face but a little bit of flour is left but you don't mind "How much flour do I have to put?" you asked Alex

"Maybe put two cups, that won't hurt anyone" He said laughing as he peels the butter wrapping off

You shrugged measuring two cups of flour and putting them in the bowl, next is butter which Alex is putting in.

"Baking soda... How much do you think?" You asked "I think, It's probably like 1 teaspoon or something"

He noded "Yeah probably"

You grabbed a teaspoon measuring the baking soda and put it on the bowl, you then grabbed the vanilla extract and looked at Alex asking the same question again

"Oh come on, we love vanilla just put like maybe five drops" he said

You hesitated but did it anyways "Whatever, we're eating it anyways" you said and did like 10 drops of it "Next are eggs, maybe I'll put two in it just because..." you chuckled a bit because you thought of an inappropriate joke

You grabbed the eggs and cracked it on the bowl

"Now, the mielk" You said pronouncing the milk in a funny way

Alex laughed "Why did you pronounce it like that?"

"I don't know" You said laughing

You poured 3 cups of milk on the bowl, you then grabbed the bitter

"We're using a bitter because I do not trust electronic mixers" you said "Okay... Now you mix Mr. Quackity"

He laughed taking the bowl and began mixing, he was mixing in a weird way so yoy went beside him and held both of his hands and taught him how to mix it well, eventually you let go and let him do it by himself

Then a Discord noise startled you

"This is so depressing to watch" you heard Dream's voice

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