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Again excuse the narration, I stayed up all night for this, enjoy 🤡
Ignore the photo
2469 words




You laughed reading Austin's tweet "I can't believe I'm doing this" you said as you set your phone down infront of the mirror as you fixed your hair

You looked at yourself in the mirror not liking what you see, you don't like the clothes George picked for you. It was a mistake getting advice from him

You took your clothes off and changed into your favorite hoodie which is Sapnap's merch and matched it with your favorite jeans, you looked trough your closet finding something to fit in your head and found Alex's maroon beanie with his character's face on it

Or something else, sorry I don't have style
I just wear what I'm comfortable with 🤠🔫

You looked at the mirror again checking your outfit "This will do..."

You walked over to your computer grabbing Wilbur's shark plushie that you bought just yesterday when you went out and placed it on your lap just holding onto it while you drag your mouse entering Austin's video call


"Oh look who's here! Our main character for today's stream" Austin laughed "I'm still setting up my stream and you're shockingly early, I bet you're excited to meet these handsome young men in the contestants"

You laughed at his sentence "I don't know about that, I'm actually nervous"

He chuckled "Don't worry, you know all of them"

"Wait what- really?" You asked "I think I already know what's coming, oh no"

Austin laughed at your reaction as he hit the go live button and started streaming "Alright now we wait for people as I assemble all the boys in"

You took a deep breath, okay y/n just relax...

But what if I'm not their type... I might mess up then make myself bad

No, I got it... Just what they always say, be yourself


You sighed thinking about how would you greet the contestants

"HELOOOO!" Someone suddenly shouted entering the call "HI I'M HERE TO ANNOY YOU GUYS"

By his voice you already know who it is "Oh.. hey Sapnap, good thing you're not one of the contestants"

"What does that supposed to mean?!"

You laughed "NO NO, it's not like that" you said nervously "It's just that I'm nervous, I didn't know it was a lot of pressure, what if I mess up, what if I look bad I-"

"Hey, just don't think about it okay?" Sapnap then said in a comforting voice "I mean, three people are already obsessed with you so, you're fine"

You raised your eyebrow "Three? Last time I checked it's only two, who's the third person? You?"

He chuckled "I mean... You can say that"

You scoffed "Good one bro, I'm going to laugh"

"Seriously... You don't have to worry about looking bad and shit, you're already beautiful for who you are"

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