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a/n: i think this acts like a bonus chap too since it's quite short + there will be cute bonus chapters after thisss short thing if i feel like it, yeah this is just some sort of closure hehe, like just me wanting you guys to see how their relationship is going
ps. i was too lazy to edit a new photo

 i was too lazy to edit a new photo

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THE wind stormed past her frame like a paid actor in some film, blowing Yumiko's hair behind her as she held her basket full of flowers firmly in her hands, the same one he once gave her

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THE wind stormed past her frame like a paid actor in some film, blowing Yumiko's hair behind her as she held her basket full of flowers firmly in her hands, the same one he once gave her. She walked towards the stone that engraved his name—her big brother's name. She took a deep breath and gently placed her basket in front of his grave.

"Hi, Itsuki-nii. I'm sorry I didn't visit you for over a year, you can scold me, I won't mind," Yumiko smiled, she crouched to touch the characters on the stone, "I hope you're very happy where you are right now. I miss you.." Yumiko tried to stop her tears from falling because this is supposed to be a happy time, spending with her brother.

Suddenly a presence was behind her, clearly seen because of his shadow that shielded her from the rays of the sun. She turned her head and looked up at him with a tiny pout trying to contain her quivering lips. He took one look at her, pulling her up so he could cage her in his arms. After leaning her head towards his chest, she turned to face her brother but his arms were still wrapped around her waist.

"I-I have a boyfriend now, for months now actually, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. His name is Kiyoomi, he plays volleyball like you and he's really great at it, I'm sure you would've liked him even though he doesn't seem like the most approachable person at first sight," Yumiko managed to let out more words and a laugh because of her last statement.

"Mom and Dad are not here right now but they're doing good, I still haven't checked with our other relatives but from what I've heard from our parents they're doing pretty okay," Yumiko looked down and played with Sakusa's fingers while she rambled onto her brother. "I made some new friends too, they're great and really nice. I'm still friends with Eichi and the others too although we rarely meet because we're so far away from each other. I'm going to be a third year this year and next I'm graduating, it seems so fast but I guess this is life. Atleast now I know I'm not alone," Yumiko smiled genuinely and intertwined one of her hands with Sakusa's.

Then she spent the next hour truly feeling more alive.


"YUMIKO, why did you have to agree to go?" Sakusa, who was irritated, asked Yumiko while they sat down side by side on a table during lunch. His face presented a scowl Yumiko could clearly see even with a mask covering his face.

Yumiko had a wide smile plastered on her face, "I thought it would be fun to experience something new! And although I would feel sad because you won't be there, I would see you again on Monday and we could always call each other at night.. If there's signal!" Yumiko had just agreed to going camping with Suzuki and the others on the weekend while she was passing by their table, her boyfriend was there and heard everything and well... he was a little too overprotective you see.

"You don't know what you can encounter out there, what if you injure yourself? Get an infection? Get poisoned?" Sakusa said all that with a straight face and it only made Yumiko giggle.

"I will make sure to not be poisoned, don't worry. Don't overthink too much I'm going to be fine," Yumiko tried to reassure him, even reaching out to pat his head, "I would bring lots of your sanitizing stuff with me if that makes you feel better," Yumiko tried to bargain.

Sakusa's eyes hardened and Yumiko could see his urge to tell her something, probably wanting to convince her not to go. Her boyfriend was quite the pessimist, he couldn't help but think the worst of situations, especially one concering her.

"Please?" Yumiko reached her hand out to his mask so she could move it aside and place her lips on his cheek. That seemed to do something because she saw how his eyes wavered.

"Fine," Sakusa mumbled, removing his mask completely so he could properly eat.

"Oh do you have volleyball practice today?" Yumiko started to bring up a topic.

"Yeah, wait for me."

"I was planning to, I couldn't watch yesterday since I had to do my homework and to be honest I would rather watch you instead of doing that. Also, I'm excited for your game coming up next month too, I'll invite my parents."


"Well, they're coming home and they want to meet you in person instead of through video calls. Also your Mother called me last night inviting me to dinner next week, on Monday."

"Why did I not know?"

"Well I just remembered it now, and when she called me, you were already asleep because you were tired from volleyball practice."

"Ah well.. After dinner then, would you stay over?"

"Huh where would I sleep?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, "On my bed."

"Kiyo!" I exclaimed, face heating up, and looking side to side if anyone heard that.

"What? It's not like.."


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