Chapter 4 - You aren't my dad

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I walk into the band room just as the late bell rings, I smile to myself for making it on time and look around. Everyone in the room has an instrument already with them, so I have to walk to the teacher. I look at my schedule, his name is Mr.Mace. He is walking around without any shoes and his glasses are slipping off of his already pink face.

"Excuse me?" I poke his shoulder, trying to get his attention away from his music sheet. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Hello, who are you and what's the problem?" He says, his voice sounds unusually high.

"I'm Veronica Blues, and I was wondering if the counselor has talked to you yet. I don't have an instrument."

"Ah, yes. Denny's sister." He nods as if he recognizes me. "What do you play, Little Blues."

"Piano or Violin." I shrug, "I also know how to play the saxophone, but not at good as the other two."

"Three instruments. You are the only person in this class who can play more than one instrument. Not counting the people in strings." He claps his hands together a few times and giggles, making me think of a little girl who just received a new barbie doll. His voice then turns deeper as he addresses me again. "You can use the piano for today, I will call up and see If I can get my hands on a new Violin for you to have. I will give you the bill later on in the week, okay?"

"Sure." I nod, I look around the room, seeing everyone sitting in random seats. So, I just go claim one of the colored chairs for myself. I sit down alone, closer to the door then anyone. Mr.Mace starts talking about our positions and the only rule in this class, which is we aren't allowed to leave during practice, I hardly notice someone sit next to me.


I nearly jump out of my skin, before turning to face those pretty blue eyes I was talking about nearly twenty minutes ago.

"Holy crap, you scared me." I throw a mocking glare at Roxas before shaking my head.

"Sorry." He chuckles. "I thought you saw me here."

"Nope." I pop the 'p'. "I had no idea you were in band, what do you play?"

"Guitar, I'm in the strings section. But, Mace doesn't really have sections. He lets us sit where we want, do what we want. Well, at least until we start actually playing." Roxas scratches the back of his neck and chuckles. I like his laugh, it's deep and its raspy, like his voice. I smile and nod.

"Cool," I compliment, "I'm supposed to be in the strings too, I play Violin. But until I get one, Mr.Mace has me playing the Piano."

"You can play both?" His smile widens at that thought and I find myself nodding more than opening my mouth to answer.

My mother wanted us to grow up with a little talent, so we have more possibilities of what we can do in the future. Basically from the moment we could talk, she put us in different classes until we found what we liked.

At three, she put me in dance. I was in ballet and tap. At four, she also added salsa to the mix. But, soon after, everyone realized how clumsy I was. They thought it was because I was young, but no, I just can't dance - or do anything remotely athletic. Mom gave up on trying to put me in gymnastics and cheer leading. So, she decided that maybe I should try an instrument. For my birthday she bought me a little piano - I loved that thing. I would spend any free time I had just playing with it, making up melodies and playing songs for her. A few years later, she bought me a bigger piano and I loved it.

I was about eight when my mom brought me to a Broadway show, It was Phantom of the Opera, still today, it is my favorite. I saw a man in the orchestra playing a violin, I fell in love with the sound and asked my mom if I could have one for my next birthday. She didn't even wait until then, she bought one for me the moment we left. I was happy.

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