Chapter 26 - The End.

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I lean my head against my headboard, my eyes stinging and sore from a night of crying. I lift a shaky hand and press it to my forehead. My head throbs from lack of sleep and I let out a sigh as I push myself off of the bed and to the bathroom, knowing a hot shower would help me alot right now. 

Once I was finished with that I quickly get dressed and head downstairs to eat something, my stomach has been screaming for food for the last several hours...but, I just couldn't make myself move. The floor is cold against my bare feet, but I can barely feel it. My body is numb and the only reason I could even get out of bed is because of the emptiness in my stomach, the one in my heart would have me much rather stay in bed to wallow some more. 

But, once I step foot into the kitchen I just want to turn back around. Denton and Martin are both sitting at the table, eyes trained on me. Denton's were worried and cautious, Martin's were shining as if he was happy. I raise and eyebrow at that, but I keep my mouth shut - I don't feel like talking to anyone right now, even though I'm sure Denton has a whole lot to say.

"Roni." Denton says, standing up and picking a plate of what looks to be bacon and eggs off the table. "I'm glad your awake, I made you some food." 

"Correction," Martin speaks up. "I made you some food, Denton just stood there because he sets things on fire." 

"Shut up, you Ginger." Denton grunts, handing the plate to my out stretched hands. I sit at the other side of the table, far from them both as I dig in. From the corner of my eye I see them exchange worried glances before Martin stood up.

"Thanks for having me over bro, but I should be heading back home." They do this weird bro hug hand shake thing and then Martin smiles at me. "Bye beautiful, I hope your day gets better." 

And with a little pat on my head he turns and walks out the door, leaving me and my brother in a choking awkward silence. The only sound that could be heard is me chewing, which only seems loud to me. The atmosphere is tense and I know that he is reaching his breaking point with the silence.

"You should forgive him!" He finally says, a little to loudly. I look up at him with wide eyes, confused to why him, of all people would say that. Him and Roxas didn't get along at all before, and now he is defending him. I open my mouth to protest, but Denton continues. "Regardless if he was doing it for freedom in the beginning, he fell for you Roni. He protected you and stood by your side when I, your own brother, wouldn't."

"He lied to me." I sigh shaking my head. "He lied to me this whole entire time."

"And..." Denton's eyes turn dark. "How is that different from you lieing to everyone whenever we asked about your bruises, your just as much as a liar as him."

"It's was for my own protection!" I yell, a little offended. "You wouldn't have believed me anyway! Plus If I had said anything I would have gotten hurt worse." 

"And if Roxas said anything, he wouldn't have been able to protect you...Because he would have been sent back to Jail! He shouldn't have been let out so soon and the chance for freedom came along he snatched it up no second thoughts!" 

"What the hell did he even do!?" I scream, no longer being able to control my emotions anymore, I never had a chance to ask Roxas what he even did to land himself in juvie, but Denton must know. 

"Jesus Christ, ask him your damn self." Denton stands up, taking my plate. I flinch back, he has never yelled at me before. "I love you Roni and I know you've had a seriously tough life since mom died... But Roxas has had it tough to. He hasn't felt love in a long time, he needs you just like you needed him. I'm not saying to forgive him for lying, or give him a second chance...just, talk to him, okay?" 

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