Punishments and furniture.

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Mom took my phone and walked out. I was so upset, not only because I didn't feel confident without Gemmy or Mom but also because I loved Mom and didn't like to see her mad.

I sat in the room for 3 - 4 hours until Gemmy came in with a plate. She set it down on the side of the bed and when I tried to hug her she left. I felt really bad but I guess that's the point of putting me in the room.

Not long after I fell asleep and woke up around five in the morning. I left the room and found Mom drinking some coffee at the dinner table.

"I'm sorry mommy...I didn't mean to upset you." I could tell me calling her mommy surprised her but it made her smile after she processed it.

"It's ok sweetie but what about what that lady thought? You were being really mean to her and I don't think that's ok." I looked at her and then down at the floor. The next thing I know she is giving me one giant hug.

That's when I notice all of the box's in the living room. "Mom what are those?" I turned around and she said "exactly what you think they are!" In that moment I had gotten very excited because I had been sleeping in Gemmys bed with her this whole time so it was getting cramped.

"We will set everything up in your new room today. I have an empty bedroom I had no use for next to Gemmys room!" She smiled and then looked to have had a thought of something so she wandered off towards her bedroom.

I sat there still waiting for breakfast when she came back with a box.

"This is everything you had on you" she said "when you got here I mean" I looked at the box and shoved it back at her.

"Thank you Mom but throw the box out...I don't want anything boyish." She looked surprised by this but did what I said.

Later that morning Gemmy woke up and started stroking my hair. "Gaining for the time you lost yesterday?" I said to her. She giggled at the comment but it was more of a forced tired giggle so I decided to let her eat breakfast.

After breakfast as the three of us started to put the bed frame together I grabbed Gemmys hand and put it in my hair to say that I wanted more stroking. She giggled and stroked my hair but then she tickled me a ton!

"Hey no fair!" I said.

"What's no fair is the fact that you can just get me to stroke your hair for free!" She countered

"calm down girls" Mom said laughing "we still need to get the room set up"

so we did. We worked on the room all day and finally it was done. Everything I had asked for had came in so I had a 100% unicorn themed room. I was looking at the room when Mom said "it's not done yet!" And walked out. Soon after she walked back in on her two confused girls, I realized that she had my American girl doll! "What's her name?" Mom asked as I embraced it. I had to think for a moment because I didn't know at first but then I answered "Stephanie!"

Thanks all for reading, same as always leave any suggestions for future chapters in the comments and make sure to have a great day!

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