Found out!

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After breakfast, Gem, Destiny, and I were all sitting on my bed in our pajamas. Gem's pajamas were a hot pink shirt with a unicorn on the front and short shorts for bottoms. Destiny was wearing a gown that was rather plain, it was just a plaid red and had a girly collar. I was just wearing some pajamas I got from the garage because I don't normally sleep in pajamas. We started talking about my thoughts on how I felt about how I woke up. "So...How did it feel being in a skirt?" Gem asked. "I mean...after the shock of waking up in it...I kind of liked it...It wasn't too bad." I replied and soon after got bombarded with questions about what it meant.

"guys...I'm tired...I think I'm gonna take a nap..." I told my friends. "Ok! sleep well!" Gem replied. Soon after I woke up to my mom yelling at me to wake up while pulling me and my friends out of my bed. I was confused, "What's wrong mom?" I asked "WHAT'S WRONG?!?! YOU'RE A DISGRACE AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" she yelled back at me. she then threw me and my friends out of the house with my friend's bags.

I started to tear up still processing what had just happened. I looked down and realized. My friends must have dressed me in girl's clothes again because I was now in the hot pink dress that Gem had worn over the previous day. The dress was hot pink and tight at the torso but had extremely short sleeves. The dress also was poofy and soft at the bottom. I think they must've gotten some tights from somewhere because I was also wearing white tights.

I dropped to the ground and started to sob. "It's all my fault..." I started saying over and over while I was sobbing. "No, Jack! We shouldn't have put you in Gem's's our fault..." The girls then continued to try to soothe me and my worries. " you want to stay at my house? I know my mom will understand and accept you..." Gem said out of no where. "A-A-Are you sure...?" I managed to garble out of my sobbing. "If she says anything I'll run away with you. I promise sis."

As my friends managed to calm me down I noticed something else, I was wearing a pink hair bow and pink heels. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed before but didn't care. If I was going to be a girly girl I knew now, that it wouldn't be with my-that lady in my old apartment. I faced Gem and said, "I-I-I want to be y-your sister...but I have something I need to admit to you both"

I then proceeded to explain how I had tricked them both. even though I had tricked them they had both been kind to me and accepted me.

After that Gem lead me to her house where she took me inside and explained the situation to her parents. After listening to the whole story her parents sighed and said "you must've been through a lot would be very harsh of us to not let you in...all three of you come in and for now why don't you two help Lili shop for clothes. if we are going to give Lili her childhood of being female she has to look the part. If she wants it, get it. From then on, my life changed forever just like that. I was kicked out of my house, moved in with my best friend, and became female. Is this for better or for worse...?

Hey guys! Thanks for reading yet another chapter! Like always please do leave corrections and suggestions and I hope you enjoyed reading! I wasn't sure where I was going to go with this chapter at first but I figured it out. Do the girls end up shopping for mostly girl's clothes or does Lili decide that she wants to relive life completely. find out next chapter!

A Gem, A Lili, and destinyWhere stories live. Discover now