chapter eight

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you'd be lying if you were to say you haven't been obsessing over this cat adams. you'd looked her up on social media's and even contemplated asking penelope to look further into her.

she seems like such an innocent sweet girl. a sweet girl who has no idea what her father is really like.

you needed to talk her out of testifying on your dads behalf. she doesn't know the real him, not like you do.


"ooh can you get me a hot chocolate too please?" you ask penelope as she's about to begin her journey to the break room.

you'd been hanging out in penelopes office for the last hour with her, watching a movie.

you want- no need to look into cat adams but you don't want to ask penelope because, well she can't really be trusted. so you've been waiting for her to leave.

as soon as that door clicked shut you spun around in your chair and began typing away at the computers. surprisingly they're more confusing to use than they seem.

"cat adams" you whispered out as you typed her name into the database and waited for her to load up.

this gave you access to everything. her education, past jobs, search history, address... basically everything you'd need to know to know all about her.

you quickly sent it to be printed out before deleting the tabs and sitting back in the chair, just in time for penelope to come back in with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"here you are" she says as she places the mug in front of you, a wide smile on her face.

"thank you" you tell her. you take a quick sip before standing up and excusing yourself to the bathroom.

making sure no one sees you you take a turn, dodging the bathroom, and going straight to the printer. you grab the pages and make your way to your desk, placing them inside your purse.

just as you're about to go back to the bat cave, spencer stops you.

"hey" he says as he shoves his hands inside of his pockets.

ever since he had a go at you about your daddy issues, you've noticed him looking your way a lot more often.

"hey look i'd absolutely love to chat, but i've gotta get back to penelope-" you state sarcastically.

before you can leave he grabs your arm and pulls you into the break room.

what is it about you two and break rooms?

"what are you doing?" you ask him, your tone harsh.

"why are you avoiding me?" he asks you.

"why am i avoiding you? we never even spoke! and no offence or anything but after you brought up my "daddy issues" i haven't exactly wanted to speak to you" you tell him, putting air quotes around daddy issues.

as far as you're concerned, you don't have a dad.

"let me explain. i'm sorry okay? i am. i'm sorry for what i said the other day, i'm sorry for being a dick since you first came, i'm sorry. you know i'm meant to be a genius but sometimes i'm not," he jokes around, making you laugh a little, "i-i want to take you out. on a d-date. if you'd let me?" he asks.

what the fuck. how does he go from yelling at you a couple days ago to asking you on a date?

"apology accepted. for what it's worth i'm sorry too. but the date... give me time?" you ask him before walking back to penelopes office.

it's not that you don't feel the same way about spencer, it's just that you can't bring yourself to come to terms with it. it's hard for you to trust people, especially people you feel like you know.

"hey what took you so long?" penelope asks as you walk back in the office.

"long line" you lie to her.

"sit sit, let's finish this movie" she says as she presses play.


you let out a long sigh as you sit on your bed with your microwaveable meal and cat adams file in front of you. it's time to get to work.

your plan? you don't have one, you just know you're going to read all there is about her and maybe go talk to her.

"26 years old..." you read out and do some quick maths in your head.

that means your dad cheated on your mom when you were about 2 years old.

"fucking scum" you whisper out as you take a bite of the carbonara.

you continue reading through her file, taking a break to shower and clear your mind for a bit.

once you're finished you wrap your robe around yourself and throw your hair up in a smaller towel. you swipe your hand across the mirror and turn on the fan, staring back at your reflection in the mirror.

this is not who you used to be. you used to be happy and love yourself... now? you've lost all happiness, you trust no one, you hate yourself, you've got a secret half sister... and you slept with your fucking co worker.

you throw on an oversized shirt and some underwear, continuing with the reading of cat adams as well as re-reading the letters from your dad.


you jolt awake to the sound of your alarm ringing out throughout your room.

you're not under the blankets and there's a mess of papers all over your bed so you're assuming you fell asleep last night.

as you get up and clean up, you hear your phone going off. you go check it to see it's a message from hotch saying that strauss ordered a mandatory day off.

i mean, you're not complaining.

after reading that text you take a quick glance at the thick file on your bedside table and make a last minute decision to go see cat adams and talk her out of testifying or at least tell her the truth about your dad- about casey.

you throw on some dark wash jeans and a cream coloured crew neck before grabbing your credentials and leaving, typing her address into your phone and waiting for siri to start reading out the directions.

you arrive shortly after, taking a moment in the car to really think this through.

you compose yourself and get out, playing with your fingers as you make your way to apartment 16A, cat adams apartment.

you knock on the door and wait outside hesitantly, listening closely for footsteps or even any noise, however you hear nothing.

assuming she's not there you make your way to leave, nearly at the exit door when you hear,

"excuse me?" you turn around and see her, the girl from the photos... your half sister.

"was it you who just knocked?" she asks. gosh she sounds so sweet, and what you're about to tell her is going to change her.

"yeah, i just thought no one was home" you tell her as you begin walking back to her.

"sorry i was in the middle of a phone call. come in" she offers as she steps aside and opens her door wider for you to enter, a sweet smile plastered on her face.

you smile back as you enter her apartment, taking in how similar it looks to yours.

"take a seat" she motions her hand towards the couch as she closes and locks the door.

cat adams is in the house! or apartment?

also just wanted to clarify that cat will not be targeting spencer through this!

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