chapter sixteen

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"so what's the 411 on our patient?" a faint voice in the background can be heard saying.

" i don't know all the facts but from what i heard, her dad kidnapped her and then tortured her, nearly killed her. also i'm pretty sure her dad recently had a trial, heard about it on the news" another voice replies. it's so obvious their talking about you when they think your asleep.

you open your eyes and immediately see the machines belonging to a hospital, the white plain walls.

"if you're going to talk shit about your patient, maybe make sure she's actually asleep" you bluntly reply as you keep your eyes focused on the wall in front of you, smiling smugly after hearing the awkward clearing of the nurses throats before they leave, shutting the door behind them. you sit up and scoff at the pathetic excuse of nurses these days. fresh out of grad school, thinking their these top nurses. they're so naive.

you turn your head at the sound of the door opening, watching intensely as spencer and hotch walk in, hotch closing the door behind him. spencer comes to stand in front of your bed, hotch at your side.

"we heard you were awake" spencer says, a gentle smile on his face as if he's worried that if he smiles any harder, he'll frighten you and you'll go into shock and die or something.

"yeah well, when the nurses are talking about their patients, it's bound to make them wake up" you reply bluntly.

after this past day, two days? you're not even sure. but after these past events you're in no mood for small talk.

"y/n we understand you've been-" hotch begins, no doubt going to explain how therapy is your next best option, yeah right.

"did you get him?" you cut him off, noticing the subtle glance exchanged between hotch and spencer.

"yeah we did... you don't remember?" spencer asks, now moving to the other side of your hospital bed.

"remember what?"

did something else happen?

spencer and hotch once again share a quick glance, hotch moving closer to your side, "y/n what's the last thing you do remember?" he asks.

"cat getting killed. i-i tried to tell her that casey killed her mom too- we were going to escape together... but he killed her. it's my fault" you ramble on, an immense amount of guilt taking over your body for cats death.

maybe if you hadn't convinced her to help you she'd still be alive.

"when we came to the warehouse... casey was about to strangle you. you knocked him away and morgan was able to cuff him before he had a chance to get away. you fainted on your way out to the ambulance" hotch begins telling you, spencer awfully quiet throughout all this.

"w-why don't i remember that?" you ask, specifically looking at spencer.

"it's normal for some patients who have gone through a traumatic experience to forget some things for a while. it'll come back" he quickly reassures you, nodding as he does so.

"the director has suggested that you see a therapist and that you have a mandatory 2 weeks off before returning back to work" hotch explains.

"i'm not seeing a therapist. they don't do shit" you begin to retaliate.

"i phrased it wrong, it's an order that you see a therapist, he's already organised one for you. your first appointments in 3 days, you get out of here tomorrow" hotch sternly says back before leaving, turning to wait for spencer before leaving after spencer throws his hand up, signalling he'll be down soon.

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