Heart in his Hands

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(Sorry this one is a little short and took a little longer to update, I've been really busy with school work lately, but hope you enjoy!)

Emilia stares at herself in the bathroom mirror, breathing rather heavily. She had kissed the man, why in the world was that making her freak out! Her mind flashes back to the incident, his thumb wiping across her nose and lip before he cleaned it with his own tongue. It wasn't like he had licked her face, but it was just so. . . intimate.

Quickly she splashes her face with cold water from the sink, trying to get rid of the bright red that touches her entire face, not just her cheeks at this moment. It helps dim the color slightly, but not enough to make significant difference. Wiping off the wet with one of the paper towels she leans against the wall, staring at that door that separates them.

Why did Alexander affect her so badly, he was just like any other man, very attractive, but still a man. But compared to anyone she had been with, he affected her body a million times more. It was like her entire body was filled with bees and whenever he was close they became angry, setting her skin on fire and having her very bones hum as her heart tries to escape their confines. It is unnerving, but it makes her feel alive, he makes her feel alive.

But how does she make him feel? The only thing he said about his emotions towards her is that he likes her, but what in the hell does that mean! Did he like-like her? Or was he just playing with her emotions like boys tend to enjoy, especially in college. But if he were doing that, why would he insist on protecting her so badly, his only concern seems to be for her safety, but it could just be concern of what will happen to him if she gets hurt. 

Why is she even worrying about this when he had just told her she was basically going to be sold to the highest bidder and her mother had married one of the biggest criminals in the world! Why did she even care what Alexander thinks of her, she is acting like a love sick middle schooler determined to get her first boyfriend rather than a mature young woman who just found out her father commits homicide for a living.

Groaning at her own mind's wandering thoughts, she quickly pushes herself off the wall and steps outside of the bathroom, deciding that he doesn't matter, all that matters is survival, she has to survive.

However, all thoughts of this are driven from her mind as she sees Alexander standing, face filled with rage as a cowering Brittany stammers something in return to a question he had asked of her. What in the hell?

Hurrying over quickly to try and diffuse a confusing situation, Emilia steps up beside Alexander, placing a hand on his arm gently to ease the fist he has clenched so tightly she fears a punch is imminent.

"What is going on here?" She asks, looking between the two of them in horror and confusion.

"Just a friendly conversation, Miss Emilia." He says tightly, his hand no longer fisted so tightly that his veins stand out, but still ready to hit the girl that stands before them.

"Are you sure? It didn't look very friendly?" She questions, trying to diffuse the situation but also having curiosity as a huge factor. What in the world could have happened in the three minutes she had been in the bathroom questioning everything that had led up to these moments in her life. 

"It was, nothing to worry about, I'm sorry I ever brought it up." Brittany is so rattled that her words are practically incoherent as she grabs the empty plate and backs away quickly from the pair, clear worry and terror still on her face as she escapes back to the counter where her coworker immediately begins to question her. 

Still full of confusion, Emilia turns to Alexander, stepping out in front of him so that he is looking at her directly, her hand still gently on his wrist.

"Alexander, what happened?" Her voice is soft, inviting confidence in her to the odd scene that had just taken place.

He gives her a very tight smile, sliding his wrist out of hers to gently take her hand, making her very distracted as he rubs that enticing thumb over the back. "It was nothing, Emilia, she had come to fill my coffee and exchanged some not so kind words about you, but the situation is resolved." He tells her, it wasn't a lie, she could tell that much, but she didn't want to push for more answers at the moment. She simply nods her head, taking a deep breath as she slides her hand from his grip.

The loss of warmth is rather disappointing and with the little frown that crosses his face gives the impression that he wished to hold her hand longer as well. Giving him a weak smile she leans down and grabs her mug, sipping the frozen hot chocolate before turning and setting it on one of the many discard bins that are available on top of the trashcans. 

"Would you like to get lunch with me?" Comes a sudden voice from behind her, his silent feet on that carpet as he creeps up directly behind her, setting his completely full mug of black coffee directly beside hers, a single hand gently placing itself on her hip.

"Didn't we just have coffee?" She counters, trying not to lean into that hand and let herself succumb to his charms.

"Yes, but that's not proper food, is it?" He asks, a smirk hidden in that voice as she hides her own smile at that. Food would be nice, it was nearly 1 in the afternoon and she supposed she should get something proper in her body before dinner time.

"I suppose not, but shouldn't we head back?" She counters, teasing now, and very much not wanting to return to the mafia's domain anytime soon, it scared the shit out of her as much as she doesn't want to admit it.

"Mr. Delmont has still not returned to the estate, so we are free to pursue our own interests." He responds, his thumb doing that circular rubbing on her bone that made her weak in the knees.

"And what are your interests? Other than food, of course." Emilia questions, her voice quiet and suddenly more serious. It was what she really wanted to know, what she had wanted to know for a very long time, and just now gotten the guts to ask of him. What did he want with her?

"I am interested in having a date with you, Miss Emilia, and what are your interests?" He responds, so level and calm, as if it were an everyday thing. He had just asked her out on a date, and was speaking about it like it was nothing!

Emilia's heart pounds in her throat as she turns to face him quickly, looking up into those storm cloud eyes as she can't help a grin sliding across her lips. "Yes, my interests are saying yes to going on a date with you." She rambles, trying to clarify her intentions.

For the second time, she sees a real smile flitter across his lips, making him all the more attractive as he leans down and places a kiss to her hand as he lifts it to his lips slowly.

"Excellent, shall we go then?" He asks, holding her hand gently in his as he leads her towards the door outside. 

Nodding franticly, she tightens her own hold on his hand, frightened he might let go as she enjoys the warmth spreading through her finger tips and the big hand engulfing hers, his strong build beside her making her feel all the tinier.

As small as the man makes her feel, she doesn't feel insignificant, she doesn't feel ignored, and it feels excellent to be so.

Only when he opens the door for her, allows her to slip into her seat, does his hand leave hers, and even then it is so reluctant that she knows he would have liked to hold it forever if possible. She watches him walk around the car, his long strides making the trip incredibly short before the driver side door is yanked open and he takes his own seat behind the wheel.

Automatically, her eyes catch his in the mirror, holding them as the car is turned on then put in reverse to pull out of the tiny parking lot and onto the main road. 

The silver pools still has that same effect on her, holding her captive, making her entire body heat up as they stay in contact, but at least it doesn't make her turn a bright pink anymore, her blush gone even if the rush wasn't. She didn't think he could ever not have that effect on her, his touch making her giddy, his eyes her heart pound, and so much more.

Slowly, Emilia takes her eyes from his and looks out the window, his going to the road so he can see where they are going and direct the car through traffic like the speed demon he is, that little smile that tugs at his lips, never quite leaving as he continues to give glances in the mirror at Emilia, his girl.

The Bodyguardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें