Drastic Solutions

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"Don't you think that maybe you should wear one of the things your step-father bought you honey? You know, make a good impression?" 

Emilia tried very hard not to chuck the tube of mascara at her mother in the doorway, who had been hovering for at least 20 minutes trying to make her change. Into what did she want Emilia to change into? At the very least she wanted her daughter to take one of the luxury brand bags, but even touching one of those things had her in fear of getting a smudge or dare she drop food on it. Really she wanted Emilia to wear anything that wasn't the cami-tank top, jean shorts, and light cardigan that would fend off the breeze, most likely she wanted Emilia to wear the dress that she was now holding up.

"I think I will make the best impression just by being myself, mother." She knew that she had snapped, and that her mom thought that was actually doing this because she wanted to, but. . the pressure was suffocating. Everyone's lives were hanging on her shoulders and all she really wanted to do was run away.

Besides, if he didn't like her just because she was herself, she couldn't do anything to fix that, right? She set down the tube of black mascara trying not to shake as she looked at her mother, her mother didn't even meet her eyes in the mirror. Turning, she tried so hard to give an effective smile but she wasn't even looking. "I'll, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, have fun on your date." It was such a brittle bridge of peace between them these days.


Emilia slipped past her mom and out the door. 

"We are here Miss Emilia."

Startled from her thoughts and woes, Emilia looked out the window. A marina restaurant looking out over the water, fancy enough to be expensive, but not fancy enough to only serve dinner. Unfortunately it was actually a rather perfect first date spot, not some shady Turkish place where she would get killed.

"Right, thank you."

It was habit now, to accept his hand as she stepped out of the car. He felt comforting, even if he was stiff as a board. She could feel those storms watching her, even behind those glasses, his hand was so solid, the only thing that didn't move in this whirlwind of a universe. It was like they had tossed her in a hurricane and were waterboarding her until she submit or drowned. He dropped her hand like it was lava, returning to that stupid casual stern look that made her want to either slap him or kiss him to make it go away.

"I wasn't sure if I was to expect you or not. I know you replied yes but, well. . . I figured that was Anthony." The little smirk that accompanied the utter disrespect of calling Mr. Delmont by his name came from Lukas Luppino's lips. It fit what she had learned about the guy pretty well. He seemed to play the golden boy very nicely, but there was a viper beneath the open button-down shirt and casual kakis. 

"Mr. Luppino, I couldn't miss this if I tried." Emilia gave him a bland smile, it was the truth and as much as she didn't trust this guy, he may be her ally in the end.

"I remember asking you to call me Lukas, but that is alright, Miss Delmont." His smirk widened slightly, he knew that would bother her.

"My apologies Lukas, and it's Emilia Heart, if I may jog your memory." It hurt to try and smile at this snake, but she had to play his game.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Emilia." He offered his hand, and regrettably, she accepted, shaking once, twice, before they released.

This had to be by far the most formal date she had ever been on. It felt like a business meeting, not a romantic outing. "Like wise, Lukas, shall we eat?"

"Right this way, I have a table reserved." He bowed theatrically, throwing out an arm for her to walk into the restaurant. She just hoped the food would be worth her time as she started walking. "Oh, not you, don't worry, she'll be safe with me."

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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