Chapter 1

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"Quotation marks mean someone's speaking"

'A comma means someone is thinking'


Shuichi's POV

It was early in the morning of course you couldn't tell in my room probably because we don't have any windows, but thanks to our captors or should I say Monokuma's announcement I know it's morning.     'I have to get out of bed but I really don't want to' I sigh getting up after convincing myself to get up.    'Honestly why do I even care, wait no I'll die if I don't get up nevermind'

After doing my morning routine I head down to the cafeteria to be greeted by Kirumi Tojo the ultimate maid, I walk in and take my usual seat next to Kaito Momota the ultimate astronaut and say my regular 'hellos' and 'good mornings' 

Kirumi came over and asked everyone what they wanted to eat we all told her and our food came out soon after. Breakfast was normal Miu Iruma the Ultimate Inventor was making her inappropriate jokes, Maki Harukawa the Ultimate Child Caregiver was threatening Kokichi Ouma the Ultimate Supreme Leader, Tenko Chabishira the Ultimate Akido Master was yelling at Kokichi to be more respectful to the girls, the usual it became natural for this to happen after being trapped here for about a month nothings really happened (my AU) 

No Ones POV

"HELLO STUDENTS PLEASE REPORT THE THE GYM IN 10 MINUTES FOR YOUR NEW MOTIVE!" Monokuma yelled into the intercom unexpectedly startling some of us, others weren't so bothered.   "Nishishi~ Hopefully it's not as boring as the last one!" Kokichi said in his childish like voice.   "Hush up you abortion your the only fucker here who's happy about this shit!"  Miu half yelled as kokichi got on her neveres more and more. All students went down to the gym some scared for what might happen others unbothered some annoyed and one exited.

"Hello students glad to see you made it phuphuphu!  Anyways this motive is going to be about your past I will show you all what you where like before this whole game began!  Every month I will spin this wheel to see who will become their past self, if a murder doesn't occur then we will keep spinning those who have already be chosen to change will never change back so be careful! Now let's begin on out slideshow!" Monokuma exclaimed clearly exited for this new motive.

Monokuma started to show two students those students who will be shown on the slideshow first was...

Kaede Akamastu

Shuichi Shaihara

Those two names showed up the first that was zoomed up on was Kaede Akamastu which under her name provided information about what she was like and a picture was shown on the bottom 

(Wouldn't let me add a photo I was going to add a link for the picture but my internet sucks)

Kaede Akamastu-

Basically hates everyone and everything/ 

she usually hangs out with Shuichi and Miu/ 

She lives alone because her father is always gone for work and her mother passed away when she was a baby

Blonde / 5'8 / wears a navy blue girls uniform with a white hairclip / apart of class 78 be careful around her she is ruthless and won't care about you or how you feel / dangerous in a school environment/

(Class 78 is full of the troubled students that are dangerous to the other students, yes even kokichi is considered dangerous along with troubled)

Shuichi Saihara 

Literal definition of a simp/

 he's in love with Kirigiri, Kokichi, and danganronpa/ 

his parents are very rich and gave him a house to live on his own considering they are both terrified of they're kids/ 

tsumugi is his half sister

Raven hair / 5'7 / wears a gray vest and a white shirt along with a light navy blue tie also black pants / apart of class 78 / dangerous student / had killed someone before was sent to jail but got out soon after / do not approach 

Everyone in the room was shocked I mean everyone, they all were surprised because the two nicest people there where psychopaths.   "Nehehe I never though Shaihara-chan could be so psychotic!"  Kokichi yelled as he put his hands behind his head and giving everyone his signature smile.  "Anyways those are the two I am showing right now after lunch head on down here and we'll be showing a few more! Now be gone!"  Monokuma said telling everyone to leave

Let's see what is in store for them after this.......

Thanks for reading everyone I really appreciate it have a great day


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