Part 31

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Despite his struggle, Pranav managed to take the pistol from Sujith's hands. But it was too late. Blood gushed from his abdomen, and he fell to his knees as excruciating pain consumed him. In a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, he pressed against the entry wound with all his might, but the loss of blood was taking its toll on him. "PRANAV!" his friends yelled in alarm.

With concern etched on his face, Atharv hurried to the man's side and supported him from collapsing over his back. The elderly man was taken aback as he looked at the younger men, with transverse lines forming on his forehead. He never expected Pranav to jump in front of him and attempt to disarm him as he held onto the pistol. In the heat of the moment, he didn't realize when his finger pulled the trigger, releasing a bullet. His hand shook as it let go, allowing Pranav to snatch the weapon from his grip.

Frozen in place, he couldn't bring himself to take a single step forward. His intention was to eliminate the man responsible for causing chaos in his daughter's life, but instead, he had fired at the man who had been her unwavering support through every difficult moment of the past ten years. It was her best friend and the son of his closest companion. As this realization hit him, a wave of guilt washed over him, weighing heavily on his heart. Pranav's eyes rolled back into his head as Sujith crumpled to the ground. Everything was a blur as security personnel from the hospital rushed over to him and led him away from the scene.

He felt a wave of sickness overwhelm him, and the last thing he recalled before losing consciousness was the doctors rushing to help the man he had pulled the trigger on. He knew that forgiveness would never come to him, not from his own conscience nor from those he held close in his heart. That much, he was certain of.


"The gunshot broke her right scapula, Mr. Chauhan, also known as the shoulder blade. Thankfully, the bone acted as a shield and prevented the bullet from penetrating her lungs. She will need intense rehabilitation to recover. The man, on the other hand, is in critical condition. He suffered significant blood loss, but fortunately, the bullet missed any vital organs." Aditi nodded in agreement and clasped her brother's hand tightly. "Thank you for your efforts, doctor."

"He despised me, Di. He was justified in his hatred; I took away Diya's freedom to choose. As a father, it's only natural for him to want to destroy the man who manipulated his daughter's life. And he's right." Aditi gently cradled his face and made him meet her gaze. "But he doesn't know how much you love her, Golu. You made a mistake, but you've learned from it. Now, it's up to Diya to decide whether she wants to give you another chance, and she has. He may have his reasons, but don't blame yourself anymore. You're-"

"Diya and Pranav are fighting for their lives because of my actions, Di. Diya was caught in the crossfire due to her connection with me, her decision to stick by my side. And Pranav took a bullet trying to protect me. What if he doesn't make it? How do I explain to Diya when she wakes up? What if she never recovers the use of her right arm?"

"Golu, please stop this self-pity. It's not like you to dwell on the past like this. You can't change what happened. Diya loves you and gave you a second chance because of that love. She wouldn't want you to hate yourself or live in the past. And Pranav risked everything to save you because of his love for her and the bond they share. Don't forget how much you mean to her. Let go of the past, Golu." She shook her head sadly.

"I know, but I can't help feeling guilty that Diya could be happy with Pranav if I hadn't been there," he replied sadly.

"Golu, please stop interfering in Diya's decisions. She has made it clear that she and Pranav only agreed to the engagement to escape pressure from their families. They wanted to see if their friendship could turn into something more, but it didn't. If Diya truly had feelings for you, she wouldn't have chosen to be with you. And if Pranav didn't care about you, he wouldn't have risked his life to save yours. You're putting yourself through unnecessary guilt and pain."

Atharv collapsed into the chair, running his fingers through his disheveled hair. His head throbbed with a pounding headache. "I can't bear the thought of Diya suffering because of me, Di. I hate myself for what I did."

Aditi sat down next to him and pulled his head into her lap, wrapping her arm around him. Her little brother always came home to share the stories of his day and vent his frustrations to his only family. Her lap was a safe haven for him during tough times, and he always expressed his gratitude for it.

She ran her fingers through his hair, soothingly reminding him of their mother's touch. "I understand, Golu. But we have to look forward. We can't keep dwelling on the past and letting those painful memories control our lives and hurt our hearts. It's time to move on. Towards a happier future. That's what we all want, including you. Don't deny yourself that happiness out of guilt. Will you also deny that happiness to your sister and the love of your life?"

Aditi could feel the warmth of his tears seeping through her dress, a sign of his sincere remorse. As a mother, she couldn't help but tear up as well, but she knew it was important to be strong and push him towards the right path. Even though it broke her heart to ignore his tears, she had a duty to guide him in the right direction. She had faltered in her duty once and she had no intention of repeating her folly.

"You're right, Di. It's time to let go and move forward. I promise to not hold you or Diya back from pursuing your dreams and leaving behind the pain of the past."


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