My Judging Criteria and Rounds!

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Hey are you alright?

Because you have been sweating the second we got here XD.

Do not worry my friends I am not a "good grammar makes a good story" type of guy, so rest easy because my grammar isn't good in the slightest XD. I will be more focused and plot, characters and if the the book is even funny. Grammar and spelling will take a lesser amount of the points.

Before going in depth in that I will explain you the rounds, because we have to reach the finish line in somehow right? XD.

I will try to make it as short as possible, since reading this all is very boring.

Round 1: I will read chapter 1 of all 10 books, 2 of them will fall out o the race.

8 remaining

Round 2: I will read till chapter 3, 3 of them will fall out of the race.

5 remaining

Round 3: I will read till chapter 6 of all 5 books, but If I still doubt I will continue reading until there are clear winners. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, HM and at last the loser of the bunch XD XD XD.

Then we get the results followed by the prizes.

Easy right! Now:

Judging Criteria:

Cover (5 points max)

It at least has to look decent lmao.

Plot  (10 points max)

This very easy to explain does the plot interesting enough to actually support the humour.

like an example:

A old man his 80 got his bag robbed by a young man. The old man then proceeds to chase him all the way till the other side of the country. When you young man finally looks what in the bag, it seems that there was only a *ehem* magazine in it XD XD XD. You can imagine how stupid this would be and how much potential funny stuff you can fit in while on the journey XD.

Characters (10 points max)

Are the characters likeable or when you are supposed to hate them are the true jackasses XD. Like just throw a shoe at their faces XD. Is there any development? Do they have any personality or are they just bland? etc.

Is it even funny? (15 points max)

Like are the jokes or events that happen in your book are even funny.

Like a humour book without the comedy, is not a good humour book XD. 

Grammar/spelling (10 points max)

Sorry this is kinda a must have even if I don't like it but its not the major thing so be glad XD.

We all hate them commas, colons, semi colons and dots (ew dots are disgusting XD) 

Total points 0/50

Yeah sorry your story was just that bad XD jk jk jk

Anyways now we're all set!

Time to fill on that form!

I mean why wouldn't you? Like you damn well know I ain't no boring person anymore XD.

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