Yo Smexy boi be judging now

100 13 8

Welcome fellow tryhards and lurkers.

Smexy boi Benji will now be judging, but first I need to flex on people and go to the gym to participate in the "who has the best abs" contest.

*A while later*

Ight I got Honorable Mention can you believe it they clearly don't see they quality of my smexiness XD.

Anyways... flexing aside XD.

Yeah was was I saying?

Oh yeah judging that's right!

Everyone here knows by now that I am a bit different than usual XD.

Upon agreeing to join the contest, you accepted the small letters under the judging criteria!

"But Benji you didn't even put anything!"

Shut up contestant this is my awards! XD

But first, I got to thank all of you for advertising this book, since I don't ask for tags! A pat on the back for all of you!

Now for something very important!

I will comment on each chapter cracking jokes, doing funny comments for the people that know me the usual stuff. It might be normal, dirty or cringy but yall just gotta deal with it XD.

The comments can serve as a boost to the "Is it even funny" criteria so yeah.

Time for me to smoke some burned book pages and begin to work!

It doesn't make you high, bit you still get lung cancer, so don't try it yourself XD.

Let Round 1 begin!

All 10 participants their 1st chapter will be read. 2 books will fall out of the race.

Oh and btw, I tough of this well writing this.

The losers in round 1 and 2 will get small roast comment on results, but don't worry its clearly a joke because after I will give you small paragraph on why you didn't make it XD and that one will probably be way more positive!

See ya!

*Humour god Benji has left the chapter*

"Dude you not even funny, in fact your cringe."

*Humour god Benji joined the chapter*


*poofs again*

The contestant was confused and decided to block himself from sunlight, going back to his basement, hoping that one day the person could win a award with his story.


Okay now really see yall at 1st round results XD.

Ps: I will only use the the actual criteria on in the final round. Till then I work with chapter rating 0/10.

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