☀︎︎Chapter 23☽

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-Two Little People Group Chat-
Lev: YOO!

Kenma: What do you want lev?
Kenma: I'm streaming right now.

Hinata: Hey Lev!!!

Lev: Let's Hang Out!

Kenma: No.

Hinata: Sure!

Kenma: Fine...

Lev: Yes!
Lev: let's meet up at (Insert A Fancy Restaurant) tonight!

Kenma: Your paying
Lev: That's Cool!
Later that night:

Hinata arrives first waiting in front of the restaurant

Lev runs up to Hinata and hugs him from behind
Lev: I haven't seen you in years!

Hinata: Yeah it's been a while!

Kenma: Why are you so touchy lev...
Kenma walks up to them

Hinata: Hey Kenma!
Lev: Yay You Came!

Kenma: I could never stand up Sho.

Hinata: Let's Go in I'm hungry!
They walk into the restaurant and got seated

They order their food:
Kenma: White Wine and The Salmon Meal
Lev: Water and Oinarisan
Hinata: Water and Jumbo Crab Cake

Lev: Hinata I heard you dating someone congratulations!

Hinata: Thanks!


Hinata: How About you!
Hinata: Your a famous Model I bet a lot of people want to date you!

Lev: Heh well I guess I still can't get over yaku...

Kenma: You guys broke up again?

Lev: Yeah...
Lev: It's my fault I got on his nerves...

Hinata: If you don't mind me asking what did you do?

Lev: Well...I took everything out of the fridge to see if I can fit in there...and after I couldn't fit I asked Yaku to get in there...

Kenma: Damnit Lev I was about to feel bad for you!

Hinata: Haha!

Lev: But um...Kenma how's Kuroo!

Kenma: Busy.
Kenma: He's never home.

Reporter 1: Excuse me I'm sorry to bother you right now but do you mind if I get a picture

Lev: Huh Why?

Kenma: Your a literal model dumbass.

Lev: Oh I can't take any my Manager would be mad...

Hinata: I don't mind!
Hinata: Kenma let's do one together!

Kenma: Okay Sho!

To be continued:)

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To be continued:)

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