☀︎︎Chapter 24☽

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Lev, Kenma, and Hinata after leaving the restaurant walked through the park to catch up.
Lev: It's been a while since I had a walk so peacefully!

Hinata: Same I missed it!

Kenma: Mmh
As they walk through the park they hear yelling.

???: Shut the fuck up Kanji!

Kanji: I'm just saying if Kei can get a boyfriend we can too!

Tsukishma: Why do you always use me as an example...

Mad Dog: I don't need anyone!
Mad Dog: I'm fine all by myself

Kanji: You're going to be lonely dude!
Kenma grabs Hinata sleeve and says
Kenma: We should get going...
As Kenma said that Lev runs over to the boy's

Kenma: Damn it, Lev!!!!
Kenma: I say we run off and leave him here.

Hinata: Should we...?
Hinata: We should make sure nothing happens

Kenma: Ugh Fine

Hinata and Kenma catches up to lev who is now talking the blondes boys

Lev: You guys look weird!

Mad-Dog: Excuse me?!

Kenma: Lev come back!

Hinata: You shouldn't run off lev...!

Tsukishma: Sho?

Hinata: Oh Kei!


Lev: You know him Hinata?

Hinata: Yeah he's the guy I'm seeing

Lev: Oh I thought they would be shorter.

Kenma: Shut Lev

Kanji: Wait your that model?!

Lev: Yeah;)

Kenma: Eww

Lev: Shut up Kenma you're just jealous!

Kenma: Excuse me
Kenma: I probably make more money than you!
Mad-Dog walks up to Hinata and stares him down.

Hinata: Um Yes?

Kenma: Get Out Shoyo Faces!

Mad-Dog: I wonder why that idiot liked you so much.

Hinata: Huh?
Hinata: who?

Kenma: It doesn't matter Hinata let's go!
Kenma: You Too lev hurry your ass!

Kenma grabs Hinata's arm and walks off with him.

Lev: Bye I guess!

To be continued:)

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