Chapter 3: Darkness

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Sally POV

"I'm so sorry," Dr. Solace said softly to us. 

Paul and I were simply standing in a state of utter shock. We could not have heard the doctor correctly. 

"We did everything that we could, but the infection had destroyed too much."

My trembling hands covered my mouth to stop the sob from breaking out. I'd have enough time to cry when the medical staff wasn't in the room. However, how could this happen?

My poor baby boy. 

Paul gently wrapped her arms around me as I cried into his shoulder. This couldn't be happening. Percy was a shining star; he didn't deserve this. 

I watched through teary eyes as the nurses wheeled my unconscious son into the room. He was sleeping so soundly, but as soon as he wakes up, his life would be changed forever. 

The medical professionals left, and that's when I broke down. I cried hard into Paul's chest as he simply held me. He was crying softly as well, but he was also trying to stay strong for me and Percy. 

Percy physically looked better. 

The redness and swelling had mostly disappeared from his face and his eyes. 

Not that it mattered now. 

We just sat there for a few hours, mentally preparing ourselves for when Percy woke up. I didn't even know what I'd say or where I'd start. 

The movement broke me out of my daze. 

"Sally, he's awake," Paul said as he stood up from the couch. I got up as well. 

Percy's sea-green eyes were open. He inherited those eyes from his father, and they were beautiful. Percy stayed silent as he stared at the ceiling. 

Then, his hand fidgeted. 

Both of his hands came up and desperately clutched his face. I watched sadly as he felt his cheeks and his eyes. 

Percy sat up quickly with panic on his face. 

"Mom, mom," he shouted urgently. I quickly went over and clutched his hand. 

"I'm here, honey. I'm right here."

"Mom, what's happening? I- I can't see you, mom," he said desperately. He gripped my hand firmly. His voice was shaking with fear and desperation. 


I choked on my words and faltered off. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Percy wasn't even looking straight at me. My son couldn't look at all.

"Paul, are you here? I cannot see you. I-"

Percy faltered off as panic constricted his face. Tears were welling in his now nonfunctioning eyes. 

"What's happening to me?" he asked desperately. 

I couldn't answer my son. This was too much for anyone to handle, let alone a teenage boy who has his whole future ahead of him. 

"Percy, the doctor said that the infection spread too much," Paul said softly. His strong voice was cracking as well. 

"What does that mean?" Percy asked suddenly. 

His body was trembling with emotion, and tears were already streaming down his face. I quickly embraced him. 

"You're blind, son," Paul said clearly. 

Percy's hands shook as they came back to his face, feeling his eyes. His mouth quivered as he tried to talk.

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