Chapter 23: Resolution

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Chiron POV

I knocked on Percy's door before walking into his bedroom. Percy was currently changing into his pajamas with some music in the background. 

"Hey, Chiron. Sorry, you're earlier than I was expecting," Percy said as he finished getting dressed. 

"You invited me over at 7 pm, Percy," I said. 

"Chiron, you/re supposed to be fashionably late. Happy New year by the way," Percy said slyly. 

"To you as well,": I said while laughing. 

I took a seat on his desk chair. The radio was buzzing with pop music, and I turned the volume down. I knew that Percy invited me over for a more serious conversation. 

I stared at Percy as he sat on his bed. I could tell from his fidgeting fingers that Percy was nervous to have this conversation. I could already imagine what it was about. 

"Percy, you invited me over to have a conversation. We can't do that unless you start talking," I said firmly. 

Percy's face turned towards the direction of my voice. 

He wasn't looking directly at me, but he was close enough. Percy definitely got a lot better at locating and navigating sounds, which was an essential quality for the blind. 

Percy sighed softly. 

"It's honestly about myself, Chiron. Why can't I seem to accept that I deserve the people around me?" Percy asked softly. 

"You accept your family and friends, Percy. This is about someone specific, isn't it?" I asked. 

I already knew that he was talking about the possibility of romantic love. 

"I like Annabeth a lot, Chiron, and I know she liked me too. However, I just can't seem to feel deserving of her despite wanting to be with her more than anything," Percy expressed. 

I sighed as I walked over to Percy. 

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder as I sat next to him. 

"Percy, just because you're blind doesn't mean that you're any less deserving," I said. "You're an incredible young man." 

"Yeah, but Annabeth's amazing. She can do better," Percy said in agony. 

"Can you guarantee that she'll find someone better, Percy?" 

Percy simply gazed at the wall before shaking his head. He looked so confused and sad at the same time. 

"She could find someone better, though," Percy said. 

"Shouldn't it be her choice who she thinks is the best for her?" I asked. 

Percy chuckled lightly before facing me. 

"That's what Annabeth said as well."

"Annabeth is an intelligent and beautiful person. She is her own person, and she gets to decide who she wants to be with," I said firmly. 

"Yeah, she is incredible," Percy said with a warm smile.

I could see (in his eyes and smile) how deep his feelings for Annabeth were. I smiled thinking about their relationship. 

"Now, if you don't like her, then you can say no. But, if you do like her, then, you should happily accept someone like Annabeth to be in your life," I told him firmly. 

"So, do you really think that I could be with her?" Percy asked with glimmering hope. 

"Annabeth thinks you can, so how do you feel?" I asked with confidence. I genuinely believed that I managed to open Percy's eyes (figuratively).  

Blind SwimmerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora