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Alessa took a deep breath and straightened her spine then tilted her chin just so. From the corner of her eye, she noted her mother's approving look before she too turned her eyes to the speaker. Alessa's face held the schooled complacent attentiveness everyone in their society knew so well.

She hated it.

Still, she kept her attention on Diana Carthage as she droned on about all she'd achieved for their charity. Alessa barely heard a word but would be able to give a decent account if asked. It was something she'd always been able to do and had no idea why.

Her mind kept wandering to her engagement. It was official. In a month she'd be marrying Niel Carter, sole heir to Carter industries and all its billions. She was the envy of all the women in her circle. Even as they smiled at her, every woman seated at the table had at one point given her an envious look. Even the married ones.

"Thank you so much Diana," her mother's approving voice brought her out of her thoughts. If she didn't know the woman better she'd have thought her mother was really impressed by the other woman's self congratulations. Lord the money her mother would've made as an actress! "As usual you have gone above and beyond for our cause." She continued.

Diana preened and glanced about her to see how many of the women around were jealous of the praise she'd just gotten. Many women outside their exalted charity wanted to belong here. Even the ones that knew what a bunch of backstabbing witches the women were, still wanted in.

Alessa understood the reasons but maybe being the daughter of the chairman lessened her awe of her membership in the prestigious charity organization. She just wanted out, wanted more than smilling for the cameras at the constant events they attended. She wanted her tiny bookstore tucked in a corner selling old books.

She wanted to be surrounded by the smell of old books. To have a comfortable place for book lovers to lose themselves. Even if it never made any profit. Only that wasn't what an Andronikos married to a Carter was supposed to do.

So she played her part, maybe even just as good as her mother since no one could tell she was miserable. With a gracious smile, she complimented Diana with the rest of the women and became engaged in the discussions that followed.

"You handled that quite well." Her mother complimented once the other ladies had left and they were seated in her office.

The office was massive, with a desk near the window overlooking the private garden the center held. A desk her mother rarely used as she did most of her bussiness in the sitting area. The cream leather set with a glass and oak center table gave a relaxing atmosphere that gave people a homey welcome. Most gave her mother more than they should simply because of how she welcomed them here.

"I am the your daughter after all." Alessa stated as she smoothed her skirt against her backside so she could sit down without wrinkling it. She was in an asymmetric Armani suit in a stricking red that was nevertheless understated. It hugged her curves beautifully and she'd paired it with diamond studs and a thin diamond necklace. "I'm also the daughter of a shrewd businessman."

"And the fiancee of another." Niacola Andronikos said mildly. Alessa knew her mother well enough to suspect that mild tone.

"Please don't start this again mother." She begged.

While everyone else thought her engagement was the match of the century her mother was the exception. No one could tell from her composed geniality that she didn't approve of the match. Nor could they tell the strain that had put on the mother and daughter relationship. Well, except her father and brother.

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