Chapter 16

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You passed by your house to get clothes for the next day and then travelled back to Sinclair's estate. You chatted about the movie, what you enjoyed and what you didn't. This then led to Sinclair talking about how much he loved prison TV shows, especially porridge which was a comedy show.

Sinclair pulled up to the house and you both got out. However Sinclair immediately saw something was wrong, the door was open, he hid behind you, looking over your shoulder in worry.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"The door is open" Sinclair whined.

You looked over and saw it, getting worried yourself.

"Did I forget to lock the door?" he asked, thinking. "No, I always do" he went white as a sheet. "What if it is burglars?" he asked, scared.

You sighed, you wanted to spend time with Sinclair but now someone has ruined it for you, not on your watch.

"We have to go in" Sinclair murmured, pushing you toward the door. You looked back at the frightened man and rolled your eyes.

Sneaking to the door you entered and picked up a heavy walking stick which you brandished, ready to smack anyone in your way. Sinclair crept after you, skittish at every noise.

"Police!" you called out.

"shh (y/n) that would just-" Sinclair started.

"Police!" you called again. "We know you are here, come out"


You frowned and started to check each room. Things were trashed, glasses were thrown on the floor, cushions ripped to threads and things smashed. Sinclair stared at the mess and started to weep silently, the things he had collected, most was his late mother's, were now destroyed. His eyes fell on a small sculpture of a monkey his mother left him, he had always loved it and it reminded him of her. But now it was on the floor of the sitting room, broken into three pieces. You heard him cry, so, putting the stick down you hugged him gently, stroking his hair.

"All I wanted to do was have some food, watch TV and go to bed" he murmured through tears and sniffs, resting his head under your neck.

"I know darling." you cooed. "That's what I wanted to do as well."

"Now everything is destroyed" he wailed. "Who would do something like this to me, to us?" he asked, nuzzling his tear streamed face into your neck further.

"I don't know love" you murmured. "We can call the police and get this sorted, okay?"

Sinclair nodded, still crying into your neck. You gently rocked him, trying to stop the tears.

Slowly he stopped crying and you let go, Sinclair, wiping his tears and getting out his phone, calling 999 with shaky fingers.

The police surprisingly were really quick and searched the house to find none but more damage. Sinclair has busied himself, finding the superglue and fixing the little monkey. He smiled, tears running down his eyes as he fixed it, placing it back on the mantlepiece where it belonged.

The police questioned you both, Sinclair still shaky and holding your hand through it all. "Do you know of anyone who would have a motive to do this?" the woman officer asked.

"No" Sinclair mumbled.

"What about that woman who was trespassing?" she asked.

"Natalie?" Sinclair asked. "No, she knows" suddenly it hit him like a ton of bricks. It was her. Who else knew the code to the alarm? Who else knew what else would have known exactly what to break to get at him.

Open My Eyes // Sinclair x readerWhere stories live. Discover now