15....No way out

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[Jin's pov]

I pull up to the hospital's entrance and I see the medics waiting there. And so are the police. I'm always so jumpy when I'm around the police.

"Shit...." I mumble. I look over at Y/n..she needs help, I don't want to lose her, I can't lose her.

I pull up and stop the car racing over to the other door and taking Y/n out and over to the stretcher, all while tears are running down my face. I Put her on the stretcher and watch as they take her away and roll down the hospital's entrance. I try to follow them down the hall before I know it, I'm pushed up against the wall by a police officer.

"Jin Masuda, you're under arrest for illegal selling of drugs, illegal drug use, and harboring a fugitive, and evading arrest on foot!" an officer yells, while putting cuffs on me.

"W-wait no!" I frantically try to get out of his grip, "please! Let me go! I need to be there when she wakes up! Please!" I turn to look the officer in the eyes. My eyes begin to glow their electric purple hue. "I need to be there with her!" I feel the rage bubbling inside of me. Knowing that my emotions are a huge part of my quirk, I'm ready to hurt someone. But out of nowhere, I feel myself being totally drained of my power, not being able to activate my quirk. I feel my heart drop as I'm pushed against the cold wall, as I make eye contact with a certain red eyed hero, wish shaggy black hair.

"Not this time you little punk," Earsur scoffs in a cold tone. I feel the tears start up again at the thought of being taken away, never getting to be with Y/n again.

"Please...I won't try anything. I promise.." I whisper, practically pleading with this man. The officer doesn't loosen his iron grip, "Just let me be there when she wakes up."

"Not a chance kid. And if you keep struggling, we'll have no choice but to use force," he threatens. This is it. Im done, i've been caught, why did I let her walk away like that...? This is all my fault.

[your pov]

"We need to stabilize her! I'm losing the pulse!" a nurse yells as they wheel you into the emergency room.

All chaos is loose as doctors and nurses scramble on their feet to get the things that they need to keep you alive. All while you're laying there barely breathing and barely holding onto life.

You can't hear, but you are subconsciously aware that there is something going on. It was as if you were just in a sleepy daze, but more comforting. It was warm, but your skin tingled as if it were turning cold. In and out, in and out. Bits of words and voices far beyond in the distance, to far and out of your reach.

What seems like years of this unfamiliar yet strangely comforting ecstasy, you hear your own voice in your head. It sounds so sharp and harsh. Then you become aware of the outer voices that surround you.

"Wa-.......dru......no she.....ye-" it's so muffled, and your head hurts you begin to hear even more bits and pieces of words and conversations. You keep your eyes closed as you wince at the light that you feel through your eyelids.

You slowly open your eyes, to see white ceiling tiles. You look around, seeing all the equipment and machines around you, hear the monitor beside the bed you hold steady beeping, that matches your heart beat.

"No...." you whimper. You feel tears well up in your eyes, still feeling weak you try to lift your arm to wipe them away. Only to find that you can't.

You look down to see that you're strapped down with hospital restraints. All of a sudden you feel frantic and crowded. You begin to panic and breath heavily as you begin to shift and struggle.

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