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[Your pov]

    “W-what?” you said sitting there like a deer in headlights. 

            “Be my girlfriend after all of this…..” he said again, his eyes now darting all over the room to avoid your gaze, “.....please..?” he added.

    You giggled and put your hand on his cheek, making his eyes dart back onto you. You smiled at him. And leaned forward and gave him a small and gentle kiss on the cheek.

"We’ll see," you say with a gentle tone.

You look back up at him just in time to see his bottom lip quivering. And then he smiled and pulled you into a tight hug. Maybe a little too tight. Definitely too tight.

    “K-kiria-….shima…” you squeaked out, “I...Can’t breathe…”
“Oh! Sorry!” he says letting go of you, “I’m just so happy! I might actually have a chance with you… we might get to be something together…” he smiles, "I might have a chance...."

The comment makes you blush and you turn your head and nod.

“Yeah….maybe,” you mumble. You feel his hand on your face once again.

    He comes close and he puts a gentle kiss on your forehead, and then rests his forehead on yours. 

“Thank you so much Y/n…” he says with a smile, as he strokes your cheek.

[Jin’s pov]

    “Ok… we have a trial for you scheduled within the next few months. So far it is said that you are going to be given a public defender and your sentence and bail, if you even have a bail, are still not determined,” the officer told me, “But the sentence is sure to be a long one. So I recommend getting your story straight and ……”

    I totally lost concentration again. I’m zoning out. I think I messed up. I feel like I messed up… 

    The image of Y/n flashed through my mind. She was so….. She was so hurt. I should have done something different. Uhg I’m such an idiot! 

    I let out a sigh and run my hands over my face and rest my elbows on the table in front of me. 

    Why would I do that? She needs me. I need her. What if I never see her again. Who the hell am I kidding. I'm never going to be allowed to see her again. That was it. I betrayed her. She probably hates me. And out promise. I broke our promise. Shes never going to forgive me. What the hell am I going to do…?

    Her emotions were all over the place. And her face…..He fucking face! I hate seeing her cry like that. She’s going to go crazy. Oh god, I hope her arms are cleaned and not all infected. Oh gosh what are they feeding her!? Are they even making sure she’s eating!? Oh god what if she’s not showering again….. Is she staying hydrated? She’s probably bored out of her mind just staying in bed all day. I wonder if she has anything to do or fiddle with. Does she have a change of-


My head shoots up in surprise from the loud and sharp sound. And I’m met with the irritated eyes of the police officer that was explaining, his hands placed firmly on the surface of the table.…… oh gosh what was he talking about? I don't even remember.

    “Mr. Masuda. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in? Do you even care?” he asked.

    “Sorry...I was thinking about other things…” I explained. I look down at the table and hear the officer let out a sigh.

    “We’ll stop here for the day and talk again at a later date. There's a visitor here to talk to you and ask some questions,” he explained, heading over to the door, and leaving.

Broken To Fixed Kiri X Reader(fem)Where stories live. Discover now