Chapter 3: I Will Protect You!

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Kazuki and Kuroka walked home together as Vali watched it unfold. Unbeknown to Kazuki, Kuroka will have Vali to set him up so he can fall deeper for Kuroka. 

He didn't know the disaster he was walking into when he first met her.


After walking down the street for a while, Kazuki came to a pause. He sensed something that made him uneasy. He didn't know it would be a life-threatening encounter set up by the girl he was supposed to be with.

Kuroka, seeing the uneasy look on his face, offered comfort to him by grabbing his hand. Her soft, delicate fingers enveloped and intertwined with his. "Are you okay, Kazu?"

Smiling, he tightened his grip on her hand and assured her everything was okay. Still, he kept his guard up in case any Stray Devils or Low Level Fallen Angels tried anything suspicious on his date.

"So where do you live again?" He asked, still scouting out a potential opponent. He was worried about fighting in front of Kuroka again. To his knowledge, she was just a measly human who could be injured or killed if she was even near him while fighting. He cared for her, he cared for all humans. He didn't want her to be hurt.

"I live just a bit closer. What's the matter? I can make it back home from here if you don't want to take me." She voiced quietly , trailing off from Kazuki. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.

"No," he panicked, "I'm taking you home. I just am worried that's all. Come on, let's go."

Kuroka smirked. This was her chance. She "tripped" accidentally and let out a slew of cuss words. This was what her and Vali agreed on to be the alarm for him to attack. 







"Haaa!" A male's voice cried as a large spear of light landed near Kazuki. The explosion from the spear making contact with the ground left a large crater in the ground.

Quickly, Kazuki leapt forward with Kuroka in his arms. He sat down her down gently and kissed her on the forehead. "I walked you home and kissed you at your doorstep. Once you get home you'll remember nothing else but that and our date. Now GO"

Sprouting two crow-like wings from his back, he rushed forward at the unknown assailant and sent a harsh punch to his jaw. Vali returned a punch of his own which knocked Kazuki out of the sky.

Damn, I need to train more with Issei and Kiba. He thought as he created an orb of dark magic in his palms and tossed it at Vali, which just narrowly missed him. The blast struck a convenient store nearby which was completely leveled after the contact with Kazuki's magic.

"Just who are you?" He screeched at Vali with a glare. "You ruined my date you fucking moron!"

 "You ruined my date you fucking moron!"

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Vali looked down at Kazuki with a smirk. He engulfed himself in his White Dragon armor and rushed him again.

Kazuki evaded his blow and punched at Vali repeatedly but none of them were significant enough to harm the White Dragon.


Feeling his power being cut in half, Kazuki gritted his teeth with annoyance. "Okay fine, you piece of shit, I was trying to be nice." He says as a white aura radiates around him. His power skyrockets, shocking Vali and Kuroka who had still been watching from afar.

The grounds cracked and the winds whooshed violently at his immense power. "I could've gotten laid if it wasn't for you bastard." He said, with a demonic glare.

He dashed forward so quickly that to Vali, he purely vanished and reappeared in front of him. "Go to hell." He said coldly before clenching his fist as tight as he could and punching Vali.

His face armor broke on impact and he was sent flying. Kazuki appeared behind him and kicked him in the back. Vali's body hit the ground with a loud thud. Kazuki grabbed him and looked him in the eyes.

"If I see you again, I will not hesitate to kill you. You and that damned White Dragon inside you. Understand me, bastard?" He spat and Vali smirked before punching him in the stomach, immobilizing him.

"You really think the White Dragon Emperor would be this weak? I only used 40% of my full power. If I see you again, you won't get any passes from me. We fight to the death next time." Vali said before spreading his draconic wings and flying off.

"What the hell was that about anyways. Sheesh I guess my full power wasn't enough.."









I'm sorry, my sweet beautiful Kazuki for letting you get hurt. I'll heal your wounds sooner or later. I won't let anybody get in my way of us. My sweet boy.

"Kuroka! What the fuck this is what you asked of me why are you being like this?" Vali cried while being restricted in a chair. He was bound by magic and I held up a dagger crafted by Le Fay that could slay a Dragon.

"You hurt my man too much. You think I'd let that go? I'll kill you for hurting my Kazuki." I said as I jammed my dagger in Vali's neck. My heart raced as I stabbed my old friend but once I seen his red blood ooze from his neck I suddenly became reassured.

He hurt my man. He deserved this. I slashed his throat as he choked as his own blood and tears rolled down his face. I kept slashing and slashing until his head was completely severed from his body.

"Nobody hurts my Kazuki."


A/N: And this only took two years😂. Got a wind of motivation for this I'll be finishing this story and some of my other ones.

Kuroka Kill Count: 1 (Vali)

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