Chapter 4: Clearing the Air

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A/N: Who do you guys want in the harem? Tell me the Top 3 girls excluding Asia and Kuroka

"You hurt my man too much. You think I'd let that go? I'll kill you for hurting my Kazuki." I said as I jammed my dagger in Vali's neck. My heart raced as I stabbed my old friend but once I seen his red blood ooze from his neck I suddenly became reassured.

He hurt my man. He deserved this. I slashed his throat as he choked as his own blood and tears rolled down his face. I kept slashing and slashing until his head was completely severed from his body.

I cleaned the blood off the dagger and wiped away my tears. I knew what I did was wrong, but I couldn't control myself. My love for Kazuki was stronger than anything else.

I left the room and walked towards Kazuki's room. As I entered, I saw him lying on the bed, with bandages wrapped around his wounds. He looked at me and smiled weakly. "Kuroka, you're back. Are you okay?"

I walked towards him and sat beside him. "I'm fine, Kazuki. I took care of Vali. He won't hurt you again."

Kazuki nodded and held my hand. "Thank you, Kuroka. You're always there for me. I love you."

I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too, Kazuki. I'll always protect you."

We stayed like that for a while, holding each other's hands and feeling each other's warmth. I knew that what I did was wrong, but I also knew that I would do anything for Kazuki. He was my everything.

As we lay there, I made a promise to myself. I would control my anger and never let it get the best of me again. I would be a better girlfriend to him.


"Kuroka, wake up." A voice cried out, irritatedly. That voice reminds of... no, I killed him last night right? Why is he still alive?

"Vali? How are you.."

"How am I alive? You barely stabbed me. Maybe you started hallucinating but using a kitchen knife on a Dragon Emperor isn't very successful."

I imagined the whole thing? I didn't avenge my Kazuki?

My heart sank as I realized what had happened. It was all just a dream, a twisted fantasy born from my love and obsession for Kazuki. I couldn't believe I had imagined killing Vali, and I felt ashamed and embarrassed.

Vali looked at me with a smirk on his face, clearly enjoying my confusion and distress. "You really thought you could kill me, Kuroka? How cute."

I stood up, feeling weak and vulnerable. "I..I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, Vali. I didn't mean to.."

Vali interrupted me with a laugh. "It's fine, Kuroka. I get it. You love Kazuki and you want to protect him. But you need to understand that violence isn't always the answer. Plus, this was all apart of your plan, was it not?"

I nodded, feeling humbled by Vali's words. He was right. I had let my emotions get the best of me, and I had almost committed a terrible act that would have only caused more pain and suffering.

As I left Vali's room, I felt a sense of clarity and peace wash over me. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. After all, I'll drive Kazuki away if I keep acting so irrationally.



"Hey, you want to hit the gym with me later bro?" Issei asked as we walked out of the school gates. I shrugged in response, although working out would be the best option for me since I've gotten weaker.

If I continue living this way, I won't be able to protect myself or my friends. Especially not Asia.

"I have to clear things up with this girl first, Issei. Then I'll be coming to the gym. I need to get back to shape anyways." I said as I parted ways with him.

I pulled out my cellphone while I was walking back to my house and I texted Kuroka so I could meet her somewhere and explain everything to her.

After a few minutes, Kuroka responded and agreed to meet me at a nearby park in an hour. I quickly made my way home, changed into some workout clothes, and headed to the gym with Issei.

We spent the next hour lifting weights and doing cardio. I could feel the burn in my muscles, but it was a good feeling. It reminded me of when I used to be strong and capable.

After our workout, I quickly showered and changed before heading to meet Kuroka at the park. When I arrived, she was already there, sitting on a bench and waiting for me.

I approached her cautiously, unsure of how she would react to my explanation. But I could only hope that she would listen attentively and understand where I was coming from.

"What all do you remember from last night, Kuroka," I asked, hoping that my magic worked on her and that she forgot my fight with the White Dragon Emperor.

"I remembered everything, Kazu. Your fight and your wings. I want you to know that I'm not scared of you and I know about the supernatural. I didn't know how to tell you sooner."

I gulped. This was not the response I was expecting from Kuroka. If she remembered this time, could that possibly be why she approached me again? She remembered me from saving her?

"I'm sorry, Kuroka. I didn't mean for you to find out like this," I said, feeling guilty for keeping my true nature a secret from her.

"It's okay, Kazu. I understand that you had your reasons. But you don't have to keep it a secret from me anymore. I can handle it," she reassured me with a smile.

I felt relieved that Kuroka was accepting of my true identity, but I was still worried about the consequences of her knowing.

"What about your family? What will they think if they find out?" I asked, concerned for her safety.

"I'll handle my family. You just worry about yourself, Kazu. You have enough on your plate," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. We spent the rest of the day talking about the supernatural and our experiences with it. It felt good to finally have someone to confide in about my true nature.

We talked for a while longer, and by the end of our conversation, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Kuroka and I were able to clear the air and move forward.

As I walked home, I felt a sense of renewed determination. I was going to get back into shape, not just for myself, but for my friends and for Asia and Kuroka. I can't let my yearning for a human life hold me back any longer.



"What about your family? What will they think if they find out?" Kazuki asked, a hint of worry lacing his beautiful voice.

"I'll handle my family. You just worry about yourself, Kazu. You have enough on your plate," I responded, placing my hand on his shoulder.

I hate lying to him.

He doesn't know yet, my true identity and how I'm related to Koneko. I can't let him find out from her or he'll hate me forever. I'll have to manipulate him against her or worse.

I may have to kill my little sister.

A/N: Kuroka is quite delusional isn't she? I have three more chapters waiting to be finished and I'm going to finish them all and post them. This story may be a bit lengthy (probably 20-30 parts) I hope you guys will enjoy. It will get darker from here.

Harem: Kuroka & Asia

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