𝙗𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨

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*Sorry about the probably incorrect translations. I do not speak Greek, I simply used google translate for the sake of the story [:

Dahlia's first class was at 11 and she was already close to being late. Like most nights she was plagued with memories of her people's deaths and most nights she could get through it. But last night she kept thinking of her parents and her aunts, resulting in her getting no sleep. Thankfully, thanks to some running, Dahlia had made it to DADA on time.

"Today, we are going to be learning about boggarts. Now I know you already learned a little about them in your third year, but I have been informed that you have never come face to face with one. So today you all will be facing your fears. Everybody make a line." Professor Lupin said "Now in order to get rid of boggarts, you have to look at it, imagine it as something funny, and say riddikulus. Repeat after me riddikulus." The class repeated the word until they got the hang of it "Alright, first up Miss Auguste.

Amara stepped up front looking nervous. The boggart changed into the shape of a Death Eater. The room gasped, but Amara stood tall and muttered the spell. Suddenly their head turned into a pumpkin and the Death Eater started stumbling around. The whole class was laughing, even Professor Lupin gave a light chuckle.

Next was Dahlia. She took a shaky breath and walked in front of the boggart. The boggart changed into two things. First was the ministry officials and aurors that had attacked her home and killed her people. Second was her aunt.
"Δεν μας προστατεύσατε μικρό λουλούδι. Δεν προστατεύσατε τους ανθρώπους σας και τώρα πρέπει να ζήσετε με τις συνέπειες." Her aunt spat  "It should've been you, Dahlia."
(You did not protect us, little flower. You did not protect your people and now you have to live with the consequences.)

Tears were streaming down Dahlia's face but she looked straight ahead and cast the spell. Her aunt turned into a blobfish and the class laughed again. The bell chimed, marking the end of class. The students gathered their belongings and made their way to lunch.

"Miss. Forest, may I have a word with you?" Professor Lupin asked

Dahlia sighed, not wanting to talk about her family.

"Yes professor?"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Professor. Just a little shaken up."

"Here, have some chocolate and if you need anything just come and ask me"

"Thank's professor. I'll see you tomorrow."
Dahlia said as she took the chocolate from him. She walked out of the classroom and made her way towards the great hall.

"So what did the professor need you for." Amara questioned walking to the Hufflepuff table with Dahlia

"Nothing really, he just wanted to make sure I was ok. Plus he gave me some chocolate." Dahlia said

"Give me some. You know how much I love chocolate." Amara drooled

"No, it's mine."

"Aww, come on Lia. Will you give me some for a kiss?" Amara made a kissy face

"Ew, shut up Amara, I'm going to the Gryffindor table."

Dahlia made her way to Oliver and the twins, saying a quick hello before heading over to the trouble trio.

"Hi, Ron, Hermione. How are you guys?" Dahlia asked the duo lightly, The two looking pale.

'Llo, Dahlia. Today was awful, We had boggarts for DADA. I saw a spider. A huge spider. I can still see it when I close my eyes" Ron whimpered

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