Show Us the Real Enemy

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Year 854


Through the trip to Shiganshina, there wasn't a word to be said within the carriage. We all sat and thought. Our feelings all differed but in all, it came down to Eren. The boy who sought freedom turning into a man who has flipped his course. It was hard. Knowing Eren from birth to now. The ten-year-old kid who smiles, laughed, stared into the sky with bright eyes is gone. He left this earth for some time. A while back, back when Reiner and Bertholdt confessed and brought Ymir, Eren, and I into the giant tree forest, Reiner had said, "(Y/n), you don't know who the real enemy is," at first, I didn't know who he was talking about, or more, I thought it was him. But ever since Eren made his appearance in Libero, it has become more and more clear. 

My head popped up at the rumbling beneath us stopped. I watched through the thin curtained windows to see shadows of two people making their way to the door. I furrowed my eyebrows as thoughts still raced through my mind, wondering. 

'Where's the boy I knew, the little boy who smiled?' 


I squinted my eyes as the light crept into the small box. Two people greeted us with rifles with their hands out. I looked to Mikasa as she took one of their hands and slowly exited the carriage. As she hopped down, I looked to Armin and he jerked his head for me to be next. A smaller soldier held their hand out to me and as I took it, they squeezed my hand firmly which caused me to grind my teeth. I turned my back as I helped Gabi jump down along with Armin by her side. 

I look up and sigh as we stood in front of the place. The look-alike place that all soldiers used to restock back in 850. A day after we graduated. The same day many died. The same day Eren unraveled himself into the Attack Titan.  The smaller soldier pushed my back as we started to walk into the building. 

"Go on with those three, I'll take the little one," The small soldier said as Gabi perked her head up. 

The soldier grabbed Gabi's arm and lead her a separate way as we were lead another. As we continued to a path that leads downstairs into the cells, a female soldier came out from a dark corner and walked up to us. 

"I'll take the (h/l) one, for now, I have special orders," She says as I tilt my head at the familiar soft voice. 

The soldier in front of us nodded as she took my arm. I look down as I see little strands of black hair fall out of her hood. 

"Where are we going? I thought I was supposed to be with-," I question the female soldier as she pulled me into an empty room. 


My eyes widen as I grab my face. The female soldier had punched me in the right cheekbone. 

"That's for trying to kill me," She says as I turn to her. 


I start to cough as she kneed me in the ribs, causing me to fall to my knees. She shoved me back with her foot as I look up at her. 

"And that's for betraying us," She says as she takes off her coat. 

"P-Pieck?" I say painfully as she removes her foot. 

"What about it?" She asks as she looks down at me. 

"But that means that-," I say as she smashes her foot into my face as I heard my nose crack. 

"Shh," She shushes me with her finger to her lips as she looked through the crack of the door. 

I grab her ankle as I look through to see Eren making his way through the halls along with a male guard. 

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