Bigger Than Ever

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Year 850


"Alright, Historia, it seems we're finally alone," Rod says walking up with a bag in his hands. 

"Father," Historia acknowledges. 

"I'm sorry for making you wait...Listen, Historia. I imagine this will sound strange to you, but Frieda isn't entirely dead." Rod says, laying a hand on Historia's shoulder. 

She gasps at his words, "Her memories still live...Would you like a chance to meet her again?" He asks. 

"Yes!" Historia brightly says. 

He nods and places the bag on the floor where he kneels. He digs into his bag and pulls out a black, rectangular, box.

'That's the thing Grisha injected me with...I still remember...' I think as I look below. 


"She took it well, better than I expected... Don't worry, people still are unaware there are ten...Unless she has the ability-" Grisha says injecting me.

"She now posses one of the ten-" Grisha says as he fades away.

~Back to present~


"ARGH!!!" Eren yells through his gage. 

Rod presses the needle through a round glass containing a clear-purplish liquid. He looks back to Eren and me as he fills. he needle 

'Is this his plan?'


"Sounds like the enemy has drawn near. This is it we need to hurry," Rod says as he holds Historia's arm close. 

"Right," Historia nods. 

"Mmm!!! Rghhh!!!" Eren screams as he pulls at his chains. 

"What's the matter? Why are you two glaring like that?" Historia looks back at the two of us. 

Eren keeps yelling at Historia while I look over to her, peering through my hair. 

'She doesn't understand...'

"Because they have now realized what it is we have to do. The power his father stole for him must be returned to the rightful place. The power she up there possesses must be awakened in the right hands. I for one believe you, my darling, are capable of it," Rod says as my eye widen. 

'So that's how he is planning on releasing the Caecus Titan?! Historia may be a powerful individual herself but there is no way! It hasn't even come to show itself to me! And he thinks she can?! Impossible.'

"Huh?" Historia hums looking at her father. 


I pull on my chains as I look at Historia as Eren grunts harder. 

"The cavern we're in now was built around a century ago using the Titan power of our ancestors. The same power was employed to build the three walls. And it is thanks to those three walls enormous walls humanity has survived. The voice of this "Founding Titan" reached out to touch the people's hearts and alter their memories forever. Understand that although a few bloodlines were exempt, even their knowledge was lost over time. Today, humanity knows nothing of the world beyond the walls. The only exception is your sister, Frieda Reiss," He says as Eren stops struggling. 

"Frieda possessed far more than the power of becoming a Titan...She knows what this world was once like. She knew what brought it to its current state...She was only 15 when she carried that burden of the knowledge...It was eight years ago she performed the ritual. In this very chamber...She ate her uncle...My younger brother." Rod says. 

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 || 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu