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"Rain," Stella chastises, sneaking a glance at the three humans in the room who were staring at her brother's tall figure, bewildered, "don't say that in front of them."

"I do detest most of them, I cannot help it," Rain says, with a dismissive flick of his wrist. "There's nothing wrong in voicing it."

"We didn't even do anything to you," Bea mutters disgruntled, despite being intimidated.

She wasn't the only one.

As tall as Axel and Corban were, the man in front of them, who was supposedly Stella's brother, easily towered above both of them. While he was lean and muscular, there was a long scar that ran down one side of his face, continuing down his neck and concealed below his attire- and it made him appear a lot scarier in their eyes.

He only scoffs in response to Bea's words but his cold, hard eyes remain fixed intently on Stella.

"I came here to have a word with you," he says pointedly, "Not spend time on idle chatter among humans. Shall we?"

Stella lets out a sigh, glancing at the three others in the room before nodding reluctantly. "We shall."

She offers a small shrug in farewell, following after Rain, while the three of them stare at her retreating back in awkward silence.

Until of course, Bea decides to break it, leaning closer to Axel.

"You think he's an angel too?"

"Yeah, obviously-"

"Okay," Corban interrupts pointedly before they both dive into a discussion- placing his palms together and pointing it at them, "While I love how unconcerned you are about the fact that one member of your team is missing, I think it's important we address it. Where the fuck is Gale?"

"We didn't bring him along," Axel deadpans.

"No, duh," Corban retorts, just as monotonously, "Why not?"

Axel and Bea instantly fall into an uncomfortable silence, the amusement in their expressions dying down as they glance at each other with uncertainty.

"We couldn't get to him, Boss," Bea shrugs, her face twisting into a grimace, "As soon as comms were cut from our end, I saw men coming towards the van I was in, so I got the hell out of there."

"We were lucky she called me," Axel murmurs, as Corban looks between the both of them, "Blackwood's men would've captured us all."

"You think they got him?" Bea says with a concerned frown, "I lost sight of his van as soon as I saw men approaching mine. That must be around the time Blackwood was tipped off, right?"

"Yeah..." Axel's eyebrows furrow, as the familiar uneasiness bubbles up his chest.

"It's-" Corban hesitates, pondering over something, "Isn't it odd that he disappeared right when they were tipped off?"

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