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excuse mistakes

*If you haven't voted on all of the chapters go back and vote on all of them, my votes should be at least at 100. Please stop being ghost readers it's annoying as hell."


Ja'Kye woke up to hearing Sahara small coughs. He heard the shower going so he assumed Dior was in the shower. He looked down to see Sahara sleeping with her thumb in her mouth.

He smiled remembering the events that happened yesterday, Kye was nervous about having a kid because of the lifestyle he lived, but he knew he could manage. Ja'Kye still didn't like kids but it was no doubt that Sahara was different.

"Oh goodmorning papa, I didn't know you was up." Dior stated walking out the bathroom with a wife beater and boy shorts on.

"Good morning, she coughing." Ja'Kye yawned tilting his head at Sahara.

"Oh she has to take a treatment on her cute little nebulizer." Dior replied.

A nebulizer was a machine that was provided to Sahara. It included a compressor tube and a mask to help deliver the medicine to smaller kids. Since Sahara's ashtma just started getting treated, she was required to do a treatment every morning and every night.

Sahara picked the teddy bear compressor so it reminded her of Tubby, even though she hated taking the treatments.

"Where her machine?" Ja'Kye asked raising from the bed.

"It's on her sink in her bathroom, just bring it in here so we can watch her." Dior replied.

It was currently Wednesday since their court date was yesterday. Today they were introducing Sahara and Hulk to each other and then they were going out to get Sahara's school supplies and school uniforms.

During the six months Dior and Ja'Kye had found an school academy for Sahara to attend. The school was already aware that Sahara was a little behind so they started her in kindergarten. The kindergartners girls wore cute little dresses, white socks or stockings, and black closed toe shoes. Dior couldn't wait to dress Sahara up.

"How we do it again?" Ja'Kye asked bringing the nebulizer back in their room.

"Okay so first change the filter, it's right next to the tube connector. Put in a new one and then attach the tube onto the connector and the base of the cup. Now put the premixed medicine in the cup thingie and twist the cap back on. Ok, put the tube on the mouthpiece and just put the mask over her head. And then plug it up and turn it on." Dior explained sitting Sahara up so she could take the treatment while she was still sleep.

"How long she stay on it?" Ja'Kye asked.

"Until the solution stuff gone." Dior shrugged.

Ja'Kye nodded and placed the mask carefully over Sahara's head. The goal was to do it while she slept so it wouldn't be a tantrum.

After he successfully got the mask secure, he turned the switch on and watched the medicine turn into mist. It would take about five or fifteen minutes for the whole treatment.

"You gone sit in here with her? I'm about to shower." Ja'Kye asked.

"Yea, but before you do that, go head and feed Hulk. Let him in, but put him in his room. It's cold out there." Dior stated laying on the bed checking her business statistics.

Ja'Kye nodded his head and kissed her and Sahara's cheek.

As soon as Dior was about to close her laptop she heard Hulk's loud and vicious barks and paw steps. She quickly closed her room door to make sure he wouldn't run in.

Angel of MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora