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excuse mistakes

Two days later...

"Noooo I want daddy." Sahara cried coughing with tears and dried up mucus on her face. She had been crying every since she woke up and he wasn't in the house.

"Stink what's really wrong?" Dior frowned picking Sahara up from off of the bed Paige was laying on.

"D-Daddy. I-I want my daddy." Sahara continue to sob connecting her legs around Dior's torso.

"Sssh Ssh baby you are ok, he's coming back soon. You wanna call him?" Dior asked walking into Sahara's

After Sahara nodded her head. Dior took out her phone and called Ja'Kye. He left early in the morning because they had a big shipment coming in from Haiti.

"Wassup baby." Ja'Kye answered, glancing from his workers and to the facetime screen. Whenever a new shipment came in, him and Boozie spent the entire day making sure product and money was good.

"D-Daddy I want y-you." Sahara sniffled putting her face in the camera making Ja'Kye sigh.

"Ma Ma I'll be home soon, what's wrong?" He asked. On his end of the phone he was walking back to his office so that he could hear her more.

"I-I'm sad." Sahara sniffled. Dior chuckled and shook her head. She found it so cute that Sahara was a daddy's girl.

"Ma Ma, don't be sad when I get home we can do whatever you want." Ja'Kye replied.

"I want you and mommy to play hide seek with me, and dress up." Sahara said wiping her face and sniffling. She didn't like just seeing one parent, she like seeing both Dior and Ja'Kye at the same time at the same place.

"Dress up?" Ja'Kye frowned scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes we playing dress up so hurry up." Dior chimed in with a smirk. If she had to do it, he did too.

"You know what you doing." Ja'Kye mumbled shaking his head ready to smoke a blunt. He never smoked in front of Sahara so he was waiting for the phone call to end.

"Oh I'm finna take Paige to that hair shop, that stink went to." Dior said texting Paige and asking if she was ready. It was the weekend and Monday she would take Paige to check out some local high schools.

She meant what she said when she stated that Paige wasn't going back to Louisiana. Ever since Paige had touched down in Houston her parents had yet to call.

"Ight, check this out when you drop her off meet me at the spot so I can see Ma Ma. And I need to fill you in on some." Ja'Kye said.

"Everything checked out right? Papa did the shipment go through?" Dior asked immediately on alert.

"Yes mama everything checked out. You was right that shit pressure. It's about some else though." Ja'Kye responded.

"Okay well we about to leave now, I'll text you when I'm headed your way." Dior nodded getting up from the slide of Sahara's bed.

"Aight I love you." Ja'Kye said pulling out his tray that rested his pre-rolled blunts.

"I love you too papa." Dior smiled feeling her insides get warm. She was truly in love with Ja'Kye. After the phone hung up Dior quickly went to pick Sahara's outfit of the day.


"No ma ma you not getting your hair did." Paige chuckled trying to get Sahara off of her lap.

"Yes huh, mommy I get my hair did?" Sahara asked looking at Dior who was talking to Reagan.

"No stink, we about to go." Dior chuckled shaking her head and continuing her conversation with Reagan.

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