Part 17

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' Aren't you hungry Hobi ' Jin asked ,

Then Hobi remembered that he hasn't eaten since morning and it's almost lunch time ,

' I am always hungry for food made by you Jinnie Hyung ' Hobi said rubbing his tummy ,

' Wait for fifteen minutes , I will make something delicious for you ' Jin said ruffling Hobi's hair then went to the kitchen ,

At the meantime Hobi thought of reading a book instead of going anywhere cause he wasn't in a mood of meeting anyone , he then sat on the study table and started reading a book ,

He was reading book when he heard a knock on the door , but when he moved his head to look who the person was , he saw Yoongi standing there , Hobi got excited and tried to hide his smile,

' Can I come in Hobi ' Yoongi asked ,

Hobi nodded and then closed his book , Yoongi then came inside the room , Hobi gestured him to sit on the sofa that was in the room , Yoongi sat there and Hobi also sat there but at the very end of the sofa ,

' So can I ask why are you here Mr Min ' Hobi asked ,

' I came to talk with you Hobi ' Yoongi said ,

' I am not in a mood to talk , you can leave Mr Min ' Hobi said ,

Yoongi then stood up and kneeled infront of Hobi which shocked Hobi because Head Alpha's shouldn't kneel infront of anyone , he put his hands on Hobi's cheeks and made Hobi face him but Hobi didn't looked at Yoongi , he was looking elsewhere rather than Yoongi ,

' Hobi look at me ' Yoongi said softly cherishing Hobi's cheeks with his thumb ,

Hobi then looked at Yoongi's face , Hobi looked at his every facial features , how everything complemented each other and form a very handsome face even the scar on his right eye make him look even hotter , when he made eye contact with Yoongi he got lost in them , Hobi never thought that Yoongi would look this attractive when he was small ,

' Hobi I know you are angry from me because I never answered your letters but I had my own reasons , please forgive me , I still love you more than anyone ' Yoongi said ,

' I don't care Mr Min , I think you should leave ' Hobi said trying to move Yoongi's hand away from his face but couldn't move his hand ,

Then Yoongi moved his face near Hobi's ear ,

' I know Hobi you are playing hard to get , but you don't know one thing I love challenges ' Yoongi said with a smirk ,

Hobi started laughing and atlast was able to move Yoongi's hand away from his face , then he stood up ,

' You think you can easily get me after suddenly disappearing from my life ' Hobi said ,

' I used to send you letters but you didn't send me even a single letter , I always get stressed thinking about you , if you don't have time why are you here and I don't want to hear your stupid reasons of staying away from me , you are just a stupid Alpha that only knows how to make excuses ' Hobi said with tears in his eyes ,

Then Jin came inside the room and when he saw Hobi crying , he put the food on the table and hugged Hobi to calm him down ,

'  Head Alpha Min please leave , I don't want Hobi to cry more ' Jin said rubbing Hobi's back ,

' OK ' Yoongi said with a sad tone and then left the room ,

After sometime Hobi stopped crying ,

' Don't be sad Hobi , you should eat otherwise the food will get cold ' Jin said pulling away from the hug ,

Hobi nodded and then sat on the bed , Jin put the food infront of him , Hobi opened his mouth indicating Jin to feed him , Jin smiled and started feeding him ,

' Mmm food is very delicious as always ' Hobi said chewing the food ,

' Don't speak while eating Hobi ' Jin said feeding Hobi ,

Jin was very happy seeing Hobi enjoy his food , Hobi looked like a small child while eating , but they didn't knew that Yoongi didn't left and was watching them through a small gap between the door because he didn't fully closed the door , Yoongi was very happy seeing Hobi enjoy his meal and also was a little jealous of Jin because Hobi looked very happy with him , when Jin was done feeding Hobi , he wiped his mouth with a napkin like a baby ,

' Hobi what are you going to do now ' Jin asked ,

' I don't know Hyung ' Hobi said trying to think what to do ,

' I am going to the market do you what to come with me ' Jin asked ,

' Yes Hyung ' Hobi said smiling ,

But when they stood up to leave the room Yoongi hide himself behind a nearby pillar , Yoongi saw them laughing and leaving the room , Jin ordered a gaurd to prepare a carriage for them ,

' Should I follow them ' Yoongi thought and then decided to follow them ,

Hobi and Jin came downstairs and saw Alpha Jung talking with other Head Alpha's , both went to him and Hobi told his Appa about going to the market ,

' You can go but be careful ' Alpha Jung said , Hobi nodded and then went outside with Jin , there they sat on the carriage ,

Alpha Jung noticed Yoongi secretly following Hobi which made him smile ,

When they reached the market everyone congratulated Hobi for his victory , when everyone was done congratulating Hobi , he wasted no time dragging Jin to a food stall ,

' Hobi you have eaten lunch a while ago , if you eat again you will get a stomach ache ' Jin said but he knew what the answer would be ,

' Jinnie hyung you know I can't control myself if I see delicious food ' Hobi said and dived straight into the food ,

Yoongi who was secretly listening to their conversation smiled hearing Hobi's answer ,

After eating they decided to roam around the market and if they like something they will buy it , when they came infront of a pet shop , Hobi and Jin decided to visit the shop , inside they saw different animals but a sleeping white cat caught Hobi's attention ,

' Look Hyung this cat looks like Yoon Yoon ' Hobi said laughing and pointing at the sleeping white cat ,

Jin looked carefully at the cat and started laughing ,

' You are right Hobi , this cat really looks like Yoongi ' Jin said ,

Yoongi was in heaven when he heard the word Yoon Yoon come out of Hobi's mouth , now he knew Hobi still loves him , he just needs to work hard so that Hobi confess his love to him ,

When Hobi and Jin left the shop , Yoongi went to examine the sleeping white cat , he took the cat in his arms and looked at it very carefully ,

' Does this cat really look like me ' Yoongi asked the shopkeeper ,

' Yes Sir ' The shopkeeper said trying to hold his laugh ,

' Oooh ' Yoongi said and then gave the cat back to the shopkeeper , he then started following Hobi ,

Atlast after three hours of exploring the whole market Hobi and Jin decided to return back without buying anything , but before returning Hobi decided to have some sweets .

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