6 Royals

598 35 3

Arriving at a Venue I sat down and saw 4 people "Finally your here" Yeji rolled her eye's "Can you drop your act? You're being childish Just because Yeonjun liked me" I hissed at her

"I like him and he can also be my escape with my marriage you know how I freaking hate our rules right?" she hissed back "I also don't wanna marry you" Kai butts in "But fighting won't help" he continued

"Listen I don't hate her...But I also don't like her that much" Yeji pouted "The same dude" I agreed "We know the typical on and off friendship" Arin giggled

"So why are we all here?" Beomgyu asked "To eat Tomatoes" Yejis teased him "Yuck," We both said in unison

Everyone laughed with our reaction "So When will he come back?" I asked looking down "No Idea but don't worry we'll be complete soon" Arin assures

I had this childhood friend of mine in our group both of us are the closest but he left 2 years ago he said he has something to do in the state...I miss him


Author's Pov

Hey friendships it's your writer so yeah I'm just going to explain about the 6 royals

So 6 royals obviously consist of 6 persons who are called ROYALTIES. The members are from the richest family in South Korea


2. Y/N

3. Beomgyu

4. Kai

5. Arin

6. Yeji

Since the six of them are of the same ages or grade they were chosen to be representatives of the family. Basically, they were told to be friends for their friendship Is the symbol of their Parents company connections

But they are not allowed to tell other people about this thing so they are strangers at school, There are also tons of rules for them and the most important rule is to never say No or refuse their parent's orders.

if these rules were broken they will get a punishment such as not being part of their own family anymore or worst 

the group was made when they were 5 so they basically grew up together 

? and Y/n- Are best friends since 3 and very very close you could think of them as couples

Beomgyu and Kai- of course, they are very close

Yeji and arin- Have such a bond like a real sister

Scars *Yeonjun ff*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora