Bonus Chapter- It's A Girl

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 Camilla Cortes' Point of View:

Luke and I were finally able to find out the gender of our baby. After the doctor had told us that we were having a girl I became quiet. I was lost in my thoughts all the way home. 

"What's wrong love?" Luke asked as soon as we were home.

I could feel my eyes well up with tears as I clung to him, "we're having a baby girl"

"Yes... we are," he smiled softly before frowning "is that why you are upset, did you want a boy?"

I laughed through my tears he looked so worried that I wasn't happy with having a girl, "I would have been happy with a boy or a girl"

He breathed a sigh of relief, "then why are you crying?"

"What if I am a bad mother?" I voiced my fears.

"Why are on earth would you think that?" he asked shocked.

I scoffed, "I don't exactly have the best role models Luke"

He sat beside me and used one of his hands to roll up my top to reveal my pregnant belly. He took my hand and rested it on my tummy. I smiled when I felt her kick my hand. 

"Camilla love," he spoke softly "do you love me?"

I was shocked he asked me that, "you know I love you Luke"

"Do you love our baby?" he asked quietly.

"Of course I love her," I was getting worked up. 

"Then you have nothing to worry about. You love us and we love you too. You might not have had the best start in life but your a fantastic woman, a great wife and I'm sure you'll make a brilliant mother. And don't forget that you are not alone in this. You have us, Alex and Nate have offered their babysitting services already and mom and dad can't wait to be grandparents, so don't worry love"

I threw my hands around him and held on for dear life, "thank you, you always know what to say"


I was on my way to see Luke to show him the crib that I had picked out for our baby girl. I was now six months pregnant and even though I didn't have to go to the office to talk to him I wanted to go because I needed to keep active. I want to shed the baby weight as soon as possible and so the journey would be my exercise for the day.

Luke didn't want me driving since I was getting closer to my due date. He assigned Carlos to drive me wherever I wanted to go. At first I found it annoying but now I was glad he did it. I ran a hand on my baby bump and glanced down at my ring finger. My ring shone brightly on my finger and I smiled as I remembered how Luke proposed. I wasn't expecting him to want to marry me especially after finding out who my birth mother was and the impact that she had on his life.

I still couldn't believe that my mother was capable of such cruelty. First I found out she was the cause of my foster parent's death and then I found out what she did to Luke and his family. I was disgusted with her behavior. 

Getting rid of my depressing thoughts I ate a piece of the chocolate that I had with me. My biggest craving throughout this entire pregnancy has been chocolate. Luke says chocolate isn't good for the baby and whatnot but he's not the one having to fight off cravings and hormonal imbalance so he allows me to have a little each day.

"We're here," Carlos called out to me.

He got out of the car and opened my door for me as I stuffed the chocolate bar back into my purse. He helped me out of the car much to my displeasure. I couldn't wait to be normal sized again.

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