Part 8.

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He was back at the jail cell, the first place he woke up at after those men kidnapped him

his thoughts were all over the place, one minute he feels important and needed and all these weird emotions swimming inside his veins but the next minute he was tossed aside locked in a jail cell, again.

he didn't get the chance to observe the cell that day but he took his time now, eyes rolling over the concrete walls, sharp corners and iron bars, not a single item inside, no bed no bucket or even a window, just him, the freezing floor nibbling at his skin, the soft light emmiting from the empty corridor was the only thing that stoped his mind from freaking out, he always hated darkness, just recalling the memories he lived in the empty dark basements threatened to send his mind into a frenzy,

and then a bone chilling scream from the other cell echoed and he felt paralyzed from even trying to breath, he inched away from the iron bars like a soldier in warzone as he sucked at the air like it had suddenly become so thick and so difficult to draw in, he pressed his back at the rusty wall as he listened, wide eyed, heart in his mouth, he listened to the sickning grunts and cries, the echo of slaps and punches, 

then his voice,

he was angry, his voice made Eli tremble as he bite down at his lips to muffel any suprised cries and yelps, he felt nauseous and a little dazy, he was sure his turn is next, then everything stopped


just silene






confident footsteps echo off the whole corridor announcing the arrival of his nightmare, he was headed this way, his heart almost stopped as he hugged his knees trying to apppear smaller and invisible as possible, tears rolling down his cheeks and little whimpers and pleas escaped his lips begging who ever standing behind those iron bars watching him

"P-Please, N-No......L-Leon please." he tried to remember every moment he spent in this mansion, from the moment he exited this cell to the moment he's back to it, what he did wrong? what happened? the boss behavior toward him changed to the worst, he was never kind but he never looked at him like that, so much hatred and anger, Ellijah almost laughed out loud despite his situation, he was waiting for the arrival of Leone that day so he can thank him for the pretty dead flowers

"Shut up! don't you dare call my name again!" 

Then hot tears start streaming down his face, he squeezed his eyelids shut and clutched to his clothes in the hope to not bowl loudly

"P-Please.....I....I'm s-sorry." he managed to sputter the words stammering over his shaking jaw, dragging himself on hands and knees toward the corner of the room gasping and choking, he pressed his back against the cold wall hugging his knees rocking his body back and forth as he kept assuring and calming himself, he could feel the sweat drenching his clothes, and the thumping of his heart against his chest as the boss opened the jail cell and angry footseps headed toward him, and in a second Leone big hand wildly clutched Eliljah's chin and immediatly his whimpers died, the two kept staring at each other, grey teary eyes staring at the sharp brown ones

his gaze was cold and showed no mercy to the beautiful man, his eyebrows furrowed and he was ready to burst, he was fuming and ready to kill, he's a don for god's sake, he was fooled twice, he showed emotions just to be slapped on the face with the harsh reality, this beautiful man that he thought was different, innocent and pure was just another cunning liar, and the final blow was that he knew Julian, Julian the freaking bastrad, just saying his name made all those unpleasant memories flood his mind, and that made him see red, and in anstant Eli was lying on the floor cheek throbbing in pain, he didn't dare to utter a word or make a sound, he was used to this, used to receive hate and beating from people without a reason, if his mother his own flesh and blood didn't show mercy toward him how can he wait for a stranger to show pity on his shaking frame?

he loomed over him like a predator just waiting for his prey to move so he can tear it apart, but Elijah didn't move, silence tears streaming down his swollen cheeks as he stared at nothing

"So you won't say nothing huh?" he grabbed his shirt bringing his frame toward him and shaking him violently, but worry clouded his mind when Eli's head just dangle on the air, he tried to hurl insults at him to gain a reaction, but he didn't even blink so he carried the boy to examine him better but his skin was so cold and he body felt so light between his arms and that's when the boss lost his composure.


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