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Day 35
C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories
Aves Department
The Observatory

LETTING GO OF ELIAS, I rushed to the recently barricaded exit with him following closely behind me. Pulling out my access badge, I tried scanning the door open. To my dismay, the lock only flashed red eliciting another round of robotic warnings.


I cursed. Taking a few steps away from the door, I looked around to survey our surroundings. All the exits were blocked off and from the looks of it, whatever was inside the compound was determined to keep everyone else here too.

I tried wracking my brain for a plan, but the constant alarm screeches and flashing lights made it impossible to focus and I found myself blanking on forming any possible ideas of escape.

With a sigh, I ran a shaky hand through my disheveled hair. I let my gaze fall to the grass beneath my feet as I let the reality of the situation sink in.

Suddenly, I felt fingers brush against my cheek. Looking up, I realized Elias was a lot closer than I thought he was. While I was lost in thought, he had put himself between me and the door. His brilliant white wings were fully spread and curved protectively to shield me from the thing he thought was causing me so much distress. Meeting his eyes, I met Elias's worried look with a hopeless one of my own.

We were trapped. Completely at the mercy of whoever or whatever was on the other side of the door.

Glancing back down at my access badge, I sighed, shoving the useless thing back into my pocket. While doing so, my hand brushed against my phone, giving me an idea.

Looking back over at Elias, his blue eyes watched me with curiosity as I began forming a plan. A potentially dangerous and extremely risky plan, but it was only thing I could think to do.

Besides, considering the situation, it seemed like one of my only options. Pulling out my phone, I dialed the three digit number that would hopefully be our way out of the compound.

One way or another.

An image of the worse possible scenario played out in my mind, causing me to shiver involuntarily. Images of me being held back by handcuffs kicking and screaming while officers tried to take Elias away burned their way into my thoughts. They felt so real that a new fear blossomed inside me. I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I needed to be strong. We would get through this. We would be okay.

As I was making the call, something slammed into the door from the other side and immediately I took a few steps back.

An enraged growl followed, vibrating the ground beneath us sending chills down my spine.

Not even seconds later, a series of loud bangs erupted from the door as the thing slammed itself against it over and over.

Whatever was on the other side of the door wanted in, badly.

I looked at Elias who still stood confidently between me and the door. His nails had begun to elongate into deadly talons and his wings were prickled and spread to full capacity, prepared to fight whatever threat was on the other side.

The thought made my stomach twist.

Whatever made that sound sounded feral, and nothing I wanted Elias to come into contact with.

By the next bang, the metal began to split open, giving us a glimpse of elongated claws coated in black fur.

Grabbing Elias by the arm, I pulled him away from the door. Together we ran deeper into the Observatory when a loud screeching noise sounded from behind us. Looking back, I watched in horror as the metal door was ripped open, leaving a big enough gap for the creature to push its way inside.

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