Chapter 5

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A few days had passed since the incident in Antarctica.

Baby Tooth had developed a cold, they suspected t had something to do with the lack of believers as she was growing weaker each day. The only thing that had improved were her winds. Jack had made splints for them so they would heal back in the correct way after Pitch had bent them.

Loki had been delving into the magic books and artifacts he had in his possession, trying to find something that would fix Jack's staff. Truly, he didn't want to give up, but after days of futile attempts it was becoming hard.

Jack seemed to already have given up. He did try when Loki told him to try something, but he stopped trying himself. He would sit by Loki, trying to understand the books, or tend to Baby Tooth, but other than that he felt useless. He couldn't control winter so he couldn't spread snow like he used to, nor going he go for a relaxing flight with Wind. Without his staff, wind had a hard time connecting with him like they used to. So Jack ended up on aimless walks when it got too hot or stuffy inside. Rather than forcing the others in cold, he set out on his own until he felt ready to return. Loki had warned against going on his walks alone. Without his staff he was practically defenseless against danger, especially against Nightmares. The god of Mischief made Jack promise to carry at least one of his daggers when he went out so he could at least have a fighting chance.

That is where he was now. Walking through the woods. It had started to snow and though there was no merit to it, Jack wanted to be outside.

Out where the wind would try to cheer him up by blowing snow at him.

Out where he wasn't constantly confronted with the failure of his broken staff and sick friend.

He walked until he came across a small town he had come across earlier. Never before had he dared go inside, but he felt like he had to. With an extra nudge from wind, Jack made his way through the town. He didn't understand much of the language, but it was like the whole town was in a doom and gloom mood. The adults seemed easily agitated and the children almost lifeless, silently trailing behind their parents.

Jack was very confused. It was the perfect weather for a snow day, there should have been laughter and snowballs flying through the air. But there was none of that. Not a single child that had even tried to throw the snow. What was supposed to be a day full of fun for all ages bad boiled down to nothing but misery. Something about the town made him feel uneasy and scared. It felt like he was back at Pitch's lair, but more subtle.

The longer he stayed, the more he felt like he had to get out. He had to run from there as fast as he could before whatever happened there, happened to him as well.

He raced back to Loki's home and burst through the door, slamming it shut as if he was being chased. Loki jumped up from where he was sitting, ready to defend his home at the slightest sign of danger. "Jack! What happened? Were you attacked?"

Jack tried to even out his breathing as he eased Loki out of his defensive stance. "No, no attack. There was this town. Everybody was so...miserable. It's supposed to be a snow day. But there were no playing children, no sledding, no snowball fights, nothing! Something is wrong, I'm sure of it. We need to do something!" He was getting more and more worried about the towns people. Is this what the whole worlds looks like? Is this because of Pitch?

Jack looked up when Baby Tooth tweeted weakly at him. Jack ran over and lifted her up. With all the strength she could muster she pointed at Jack's head and then to Loki's pocket. "I think she means the memory box I gave you." Jack reiterated for her. Loki dig in the chest he had placed Jack's staff in and pulled out the golden canister.

Jack set Baby Tooth down and put the canister next to her. "Alright Baby Tooth, what now." Baby Tooth reached out to the canister and it glowed a golden color.

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