Chapter 8

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After leaving Loki's side, Jack flew up to the roof Pitch was hiding on. With a few well-placed ice blasts to the guarding nightmares, freezing them in place, he set Pitch off running. Jack tried and failed to hit Pitch with a blast and set off in a chase after him. Down below on the streets, Bunny and North set out to join the chase after the nightmare king. "All yours, mate." Bunny called after North after conjuring up a tunnel.

Pitch had led Jack into an attempted trap, throwing a stand spear much like the one he used on Sandy. Right as it was about to hit the winter child, Tooth flew passed and cut through the spear with her wings. Jack yelled out his thanks as she sliced through another sand creature.

Bunny jumped up from a chimney with a puff of soot. "Ho ho ho." At the last ho he threw his trusted boomerang and took out a pair of mares. North, however, made a slight miscalculation. "Wrong roof." He said slightly confused as he watched the battle from a roof across the street. He didn't have much free time as the other guardians had driven Pitch to flee once again. Unluckily for the Boogeyman, his escape was met with North's swords, causing him to fall to the ground.

Pitch had just enough time to conjure up a scythe as North went straight into attacking him again. Although he managed to disarm the Cossack, Bunny jumped in right on time, making himself the next target. Pitch swung a bit to hard as his scythe came stuck after missing Aster, giving the perfect opening to throw a boomerang. Pitch danced around the onslaught of attacks from Aster, Tooth and even Jack as he was made to back into a corner. "It's over Pitch. There's no place to hide."

In a moment of forgetfulness, they had pushed Pitch into a shadow cast corner. Using the shadows to his full potential, Pitch sank into them. His echoing laugh and shadow bouncing on the walls, making it hard for the guardians to locate the source. They were so distracted that they didn't notice Pitch reemerging in the same place, preparing to swing at Jack. Bunny saw just in time and yelled out a warning, throwing a boomerang as well. The weapon bounced off of the scythe and Pitch nearly made contact with Jack. But the impact never came as a whip of golden sand wrapped itself around his arm.

The guardians scrambled to follow Pitch as he was being dragged atop a hill, towards a twister of golden sand. Pitch looked up in fear as the middle of the twister glowed brightly. In utter disbelief he stared on as Sanderson Mansnoozie himself emerged. The guardian of dreams pulled the nightmare king closer, mutely tutting disapprovingly. Still holding onto his dream sand whip, Sandy reeled back before uppercutting Pitch, sending him flying high into the sky.

"The sandman!" The children said as the arrived to the scene. Sandy turned to face them, creating a hat to tip in greeting. As Jamie saluted him, Sandy felt a slight tug on his whip. He pulled it down hard, letting it disappear as Pitch fell down with a bounce. The guardians cheered as North lifted Sandy in joy. "Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes." Bunny commented as he too greeted his old friend.

Jack saw Loki running to them, still pumped from the battle he was in. Jack laughed as he intercepted his friend. "Chill, Lokes, battle is over. And guess what! Sandy is back!" Jack jumped in joy as Loki calmed down. The mage let his skin return to a more suitable color and set his daggers away. He pouted slightly as he confirmed there were no more Nightmares around to destroy.

Sandy lifted up on a cloud of dream sand. Oncehe was high enough, he released a whole set of tendrils, sending dreams back tothe children with the intent of getting them to believe again.


Children all over the world regained their belief, strengthening each guardian, and thus their helpers as well. Baby Tooth felt her strength return as she watched the lights come back on. Without wasting a second, she flew up to the cages and unlocked them all. The newly freed fairies rushed to the discarded tooth canisters below them and released each living child's memories, further strengthening their beliefs in the guardians and filling them with hope and wonder once again.

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