Chapter 1: Outing

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**Nanami POV**

"Oi Nanami! Hurry up! Why are you walking so slow today!?" Gojo called after me.

I pushed the frames of my glasses further up my nose and put my phone back in my pocket. He was always dragging me out to do things with him, and it was exhausting.

But it was less exhausting than trying to turn him down.

We were walking down a street lined with shops and restaurants where there was a crowd of people on each side of the street, all enjoying the nice weather of the afternoon.

It was one of the first warmer days in a few weeks, and it seemed everyone was just as eager to get out as Gojo was.

He held a couple bags in his hands from our previous stops, and we were making our way to one of his favorite places for lunch. I had never been, but he said it was worth the money.

"Mmm, what's this?" he smirked and cut across me to enter into a small shop.

I sighed as he cut me off and pushed by me as if I wasn't even there. I looked over to see he went into a bookstore.

Strange considering I don't think I've ever seen him read anything, but I followed him inside.

I had actually been meaning to go a bookstore for something new to read, so it was convenient. I never usually enjoyed any of our stops.

A small bell chimed as I walked inside and I saw Gojo making his way over to a young woman. I rolled my eyes as I realized that's the reason he came in.

I watched as he approached her, and she stopped stacking the books in her hand to greet him.

She looked young and was a bit taller than most. Her curly, dark hair was pulled back messily out of her face showcasing her ears that held multiple piercings.

I felt myself staring more than I ever did at anyone. Her smile was perhaps the most enchanting thing I had ever seen, and it's brightness was pulling me in.

I couldn't lie that she was mesmerizing, but she didn't seem like Gojo's typical type. He usually went after women who dressed lavishly and had a somewhat seductive look.

This girl though, she wasn't nearly as composed. She wore simple jeans that rose high on her hips, and her white tank top stopped just short of them showing a small sliver of her skin.

She had on sandals and wore more rings than I felt was probably necessary, but it suited her style. She was definitely intriguing.

I watched as she laughed at something Gojo said, and he seemed to be quiet pleased with himself. He always did have a way of luring in women.

I was just surprised someone that looked as down to earth as she did was falling for it.

I slowly made my way through the shelves of books, inching my way closer towards them as I browsed.

I glanced over as she spoke, "Please excuse me, Gojo. I should check if my other customer needs any assistance."

"Eh? That's just Nanami! Don't worry about him, he's not a customer. He's with me," he flashed a smile at her.

I looked at him as he spoke about me. I actually was a customer hoping to buy something, but I didn't need any help so it didn't matter.

Besides, despite my interest, my personality would probably clash completely with someone like her.

I was composed and tame, always have been, and even though I would love to get to know her, she seemed a bit too free-spirited to have an interest in me.

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