Chapter 3: artsy fartsy

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**Nanami POV**

"It's rude to bring a date to an event you're already a guest at," I mumbled to Gojo as we walked towards the parking lot.

"Mm, well don't worry, I brought a date for you too."

I snapped my head towards him, "You did what!?"

He chuckled, "Y/n said we could bring a plus one, so I told her to add them to both of ours. The girl I invited is bringing a friend."

"Why the hell would you do that Gojo..."

He smirked, "Just be the nice little gentleman that you are Nanami, and have some fun."

Even after we met the two women, I was still fuming. I couldn't get over how Gojo would pull something like this.

The last thing I wanted was to show up in front of Y/n with another girl on my arm. I didn't want her to think I was anything like Gojo.

And I especially didn't want her to think I was in a relationship of any kind.

As we walked into the building, I was surprised to see just how extravagant of an event this was. We were both wearing black, full suits, but I thought we'd be overdressed. Now we barely blended right in.

The sound of soft background music and low chatter filled the space as we walked in.

The lights were fairly dim as bright spotlights illuminated the individual art pieces.

Caterers walked around with drinks and appetizers, and the bar was completely paid for, for all the guests..

All patrons had to worry about was getting on the list and then out bidding each other for the art pieces they wanted.

Y/n was definitely more highbrow than she cared to let on... As a student, I couldn't help but wonder how she even got into this scene already.

"Ah, there's our friend. Let's go introduce you," Gojo smiled at his date who was already fawning over him. She was much more the type of woman Gojo typically spent time with.

I felt my heart begin to race as Y/n came into view. She was absolutely radiant.

She wore a long black dress that shimmered just slightly. It left her arms and back exposed as small straps held it up. It flowed perfectly over every curve on her body.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat before we got to her, but the closer we got, the harder it became.

"Gojo," she smiled as he walked up to her, his date clutching onto his arm even tighter by the sight of her.

"Hello, dear," he smiled back before gently kissing her cheek as if they'd known each other forever. "This is Jun."

[if you read my geto fanfic pls ignore the fact i am not creative when it comes to making up names lmaooo. hella recycled]

Y/n smiled at her, "It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you could make it tonight."

Finally, Y/n's eyes fluttered over as she smiled softly at me, "Hi Nanami."

I cleared my throat, "Y/n, thank you for inviting us."

"Of course." She looked over at the woman who was technically my date, "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you."

"Hana," she said politely as she linked her arm in with mine. I glanced over at the woman as my body tensed up. I really hated Gojo now more than ever for this.

"Well, you all enjoy the show. There's free drinks and food to make up for the expensive art," she laughed nervously. "I have a lot of people to greet, but I'm sure I'll see you again."

I couldn't help but stare as she walked off. Her hair had been pulled back in a soft bun with a few strands of hair framing her face, and now as I saw the back of her, I noticed a tattoo right where the bottom of her neck met her back.

It wasn't visible the other times I had seen her or else I definitely would've noticed. It was a full moon, almost the same size as if I made a circle with my hand.

It was perfect for her, and I wanted to know more about it. I wanted to know more about her.

Actually, I wanted to know everything about her.

"Well, shall we?" Gojo smirked as he caught me watching her.

I nodded and followed him, listening to Hana talk about nothing much at all. The art here wasn't exactly my taste, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

The show was mostly abstract, minimalist, or expressionist. The kind of art that was left up to interpretation and emotion, neither of which were my strong suits.

I typically preferred landscapes or realist paintings, and the furthest I ever branched out was impressionist. Even then, the art still told you exactly what it was supposed to be.

I took a moment and stood in front of a large canvas that almost stretched floor to ceiling. It was Y/n's, and I was in awe.

"Do you like it?" I turned to see Y/n standing besides me, looking up at her masterpiece.

"I love it. It's beautiful. You're quite talented."

She turned to look at me, a smile stretched across her face, "I'm glad you think so. And I'm really glad you were able to make it tonight."

Hana popped up out of nowhere, grabbing onto my arm. I hadn't even noticed she left, but I wasn't all that thrilled she was back.

"You painted this?" she asked Y/n, peeking across me to look at her.

Y/n just nodded as she redirected her focus to the art.

"It's nice, but I don't know that I understand it," Hana added. I think she was being genuine, but it came off a little rude.

I had to admit that I didn't quite understand it either though.

"It's not meant to be understood. It's meant to be felt," Y/n spoke softly. She gave me another small smile before walking away.

"Hmm," Hana hummed. "Do you feel anything?"

I looked back up at the canvas, and oddly enough, I did feel something. The more I stared at it, the sadder I felt... Like I was lost and confused and helpless.

I wonder if that's how Y/n felt? Is that what inspired this? I sighed as Hana pulled me along to other pieces.

I really only wanted to look at Y/n's work. Now that she explained her art a bit, it seemed like I could get a small glimpse of who she was with every painting.

And I adored who she was.


i fucking love these real life anime pics. nanami is daddy asf.

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