Chapter 7: ghostedddd

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**Y/N POV**

Wednesday's are way worse than Monday's and no one could ever convince me otherwise.

So here I was, burying my face into my arms that rested on a small table. I sat in the cafe I liked to do my homework in sometimes, but the dread of existence was really weighing on me today.

I had stayed up so late the last 3 nights working on my senior thesis and it was catching up with me... And the fact that I still had half of the week left to go was honestly heartbreaking.

I finally peeked my head up a bit, but as my eyes landed on my laptop screen and I looked at my thesis, I let out a loud groan and smashed my head back into my arms, desperately trying to hide from
my responsibilities.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice laugh.

I rolled my eyes before picking up my head and watching a very amused Gojo walking up to me.

I didn't even say anything, I just pushed my glasses up a bit and stared blankly at him as he approached.

He laughed as he sat across from me, "Well don't you look like shit."

"Fuck you," I mumbled making him laugh even louder.

He wasn't wrong though. My hair was a mess, dark circles permeated under my eyes, I wore a black hoodie that was way too big for me and leggings with sneakers.

My glasses hid a little of my face, but not enough to hide how absolutely exhausted and overwhelmed I was.

"Too many late nights with Nanami?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Funny, Gojo. But if you're gonna be a dick, you can leave."

His eyes went wide, "Eh!? I was just teasing. I didn't mean to make you mad!"

"Sorry," I grumbled after realizing how rude I was. "It's just I get that he's not into me, and I don't really want to think about it."

"Hmm?" he shook his head a bit. "Now I'm really confused..."

I eyed him suspiciously. Weren't they supposed to be really good friends or something? How did he not know?

"Nanami hasn't talked to me since that night we all hung out," I muttered as I awkwardly avoided his eyes.

"Wait what!?"

"I think I scared him off," I finally looked back up at Gojo, resting my head in my hands. "We almost kissed but he totally dodged me. Haven't heard from him since."

Gojo sat back in his chair as he crossed his arms, "Huh. Weird."

I rolled my eyes as I looked away, pretty annoyed with the situation. I thought Nanami and I were really hitting it off. He's the one who said he'd been wanting to ask me out. I honestly didn't know what I did wrong.

And I still didn't even have his number. 

"So you look like shit because you're losing sleep over him?" he asked.

"Do I really look that bad?" I shot him a glare.

He smirked as he leaned over closer, "You're still absolutely stunning. You just look tired."

"Don't flirt with me when you were all over my best friend the other night," I growled. I definitely wasn't in the mood for any of that bullshit.

He chuckled as he rested back in his chair again, "I think you mean she was all over me. And it's not like we hooked up or anything."

"You didn't?"

"No, why? Did she tell you otherwise?"

I shook my head, "No, we haven't really talked. I've been too busy focused on my thesis."

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