Chapter 3 Number One. . . and Five

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The Director observed the predicament his agents were in through the hologram of the facility.

Tech: Situation is critical, sir. Should we do something?

Director: Yes, send them in.

Tech: Copy that. *activates communication* Come in number one, number five, you are green.

South Dakota and North Dakota were blinking red on the leaderboard. . .

Director: Activate failsafe.

Tech: Copy sir, initiating Beta Protocol.


South and North stood back to back in the center of the helipad, weapons pointed at them from all sides.

North: Well, out of the frying pan and into the fire.

South: Eh, figure I could take about fifty of 'em. How 'bout you?

North: How 'bout you save your jokes until we get out of this?

South: Where the hell is extraction?!

The dark armored ODST was covered in straps full of bullets, manning a turret.

ODST: Attention assholes, stand down! You are surrounded! Give us the data file now! You will be taken into custody! We can either do this the easy way-

The men raised their weapons as two blurs readied themselves behind them all.

ODST: -or the hard way! There is no escape, so give us the damn data file!

Four men were suddenly knocked off the level! One of the figures grabbed the other's hand and threw her forward, letting her kick one of the men into a group of other's and the ODST! The other blur rushed and kicked the ODST away as his ally used the chaingun to shoot out the support beams! North kept South close as the upper level collapsed on both sides, the men on board falling to the helipad!

North: Son of a bitch.

South: What's going on?!

North: Its them!

South: What?! What are they doing here?

The disguised male ducked as the female kicked the turret, it doing a three-sixty while firing before kicking off it as her ally planted a charge on it before leaping down! Their black disguises disappeared, the girl's armor being cyan and of the Scout class and the boy's being aqua and of the Air Assault class! The boy drew an SMG while the girl simply smirked.

?: Okay, my turn!

The cyan freelancer rushed forward and kicked one man away before blitzing another and cleaving him away! Her elbow backed into someone behind her before she backflipped away from shots and backhanded two of them them away! She dodged a burst of bullets and sledgehammered the shooter before kicking him into another soldier! Others fired their shotguns, but she flipped aside and kicked one into another as a third attempted to shoot her, but was met by a hail of bullets from the opposite direction!

??: Carolina, focus and quit being flashy!

The Aqua soldier turned to see four men training their Battle Rifles at him.

??: Geez, now I'm going to look like a hypocrite.

He quickly tossed a flashbang into the air and blinded them, turning away to avoid the flash! They opened fire frantically as he charged! Firing his SMG, he stunned one before punching him in the face and drawing his knife and digging into his enemy's leg and pulling him down! Twirling and elbowing the next soldier, the Freelancer slashed him across the side with his knife before embedding it in his throat! The other two fired at him, but he used the body as a shield and kicked it into them! His SMG pressed to the stomach of the first he reached, firing a short burst there before aiming up into his head and firing a second bust! The final was recovering, the Freelancer adjusted his grip on the knife before catapulting it through the air and into the man's visor!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season NineWhere stories live. Discover now